@nightjourney hindus are cheap my Russian boss wanted to give me a $4 per hour raise while the hindu guy only wanted to offer me the bare minimum. Luckily he got out voted.
Mofo cheapskate wants to be the leader but doesnt wanna pay me.
Typically you gotta grow up in that life but these days a lot of people just decide they're in a gang & start claiming shit.
I never wanted to join one when I was young but I did because that's what I was around. It almost feels like I was pushed into it & I just went with the motions. When you're actually in it, you're a target for life. I'm past the street shit but I'm still a target. It's not fun man
@ChiefJustWalks Michael Kanaan became a gangster and he grew up in a very religious well off Lebanese Christian family in Australia.
He graduated top of his class. But decided a boring computer job wasnt for him. So he bought a gun from a gangster named Danny Karam and ended up being 2nd in command of Danny Karam's gang.
He eventually ambushed Karam and took control of the gang for himself.
Even though hes in prison hes got unlimited funds and still benefits from his gangser lifestyle.