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If I remember correctly, it came from a superstition that getting up on the left side of the bed or putting your left foot down first gave you bad luck. I don't know who started it. So, people today who get up on the wrong side of the bed are irritable or grumpy....supposedly because of their bad luck. Something along those lines.
Transformedandevolved · 26-30, M
When you wake up, you find your soul at a different dimension. Now that's what I call creativity. 😎
Looking at everything grumpy or angry, being contrary to everyone and thing
It mean you're a cranky ass human...
Foxanne · 31-35, M
I know what it means, but why do we call it that?
@Foxanne: oh. Idk...😊
To me it means being cranky. I don't really use it though.
Kailyn · 46-50, F
Waking up on the side by the wall and smacking your head on it