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How long are OP's

Kept for I saw a Thread that started in in 2019 and it made me wonder when do they become obsolete? Marie x
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it depends, if someone gets removed, removes themselves, or deletes a post, it goes away, but other than that they can live on forever.
it's not too hard to find someone in the comment feed searching poking around and adding things to threads years and years inactive. they tend to be the 'body positive' sorts of threads and very thirsty people.

I think it'd make lots of sense for sw to either archive and make inactive/change color/something or at least pop up some sort of notice as people try to add new comments or responses to posts that haven't been active in a long while.
They don’t!
Although I think there is a way of closing a thread,,,not sure how though.
jackson55 · M
Some go back to 2016 when this site started.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
So what do you think of Jason Momoa & Would You Do Him
MarieUK · 36-40, F
@JohnOinger not after Lisa Bonet
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@MarieUK ok So what do you think of Henry Cavill & Would You Do Him
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@MarieUK i bet its a yes
bookerdana · M
usually small bands of guerillas fight it out and the OP forgets about the whole thing!
MarieUK · 36-40, F
@bookerdana those pesky Guerrilla's always causing mayhem
bookerdana · M
@MarieUK yep,some posts will go down with the site
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@MarieUK So what do you think of Tom Hardy & Would You Do Him
veghard · 36-40, M
What's an OP?
MarieUK · 36-40, F
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