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Sportsfan · 41-45, M
going for a walk and reading.

NCCindy · 36-40, F
2 cups of coffee
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Well I lost part of my left leg a few year's ago. So I have to take care of my leg and my prosthetic. I do this every morning. I check my leg for sore spot or a bruise. I will clean it. This kind of helps with stiffness or being sore. When u spend a lot of money for a prosthetic u got to take care of it. The sock part has to be clean. This helps in the morning to warm it up. I have a tool that helps to put a shoe on it.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
@ArishMell I do have a knee crutch that allows me to go to the bathroom and shower and go into the closet to get my clothes out for the morning. I usally put it on and take the dog outside in the middle of the night.
How did you lose it if you don't mind me asking? @smileylovesgaming @smileylovesgaming
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
@highkeydykey well I found out this lady had giant horses. Like 20 hands tall. Well she wanted to sell this one pretty quick. He wasn't even full grown yet. Well this one day he got into a fight with my horse between the fence. He knocked me down into the mud and crushed my foot and ankle. Our Nanny heard me screaming and came and pulled me out of the mud
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Making and drinking coffee, reading newspaper, feeding the feral cat, playing music for my birds, washing dishes and making the bed.
ShadowWorker · 61-69, F
Coffee ..lot of coffee, feeding the fur children, watching the forest critters eat after husband feeds them corn and oats, making a fire in the wood stove, listen to the radio, coming here to see what's happening.
summersong · F
Go for a walk, make coffee, read my tarot cards, commute from couch to desk for work.
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coffee, check my e-mails, make sure the kids have breakfast before heading off to school
Teslin · M
The standard SSS 🤣
Dog stuff (take outside, feed, play, love), SW for a bit with copious amounts of coffee and cigarettes, get ready for work.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Feeding my roommate's cat. Coffee. Checking my email. Seeing if SW has self-destructed yet. Then writing for several hours.
🙄🤌 fine I’ll say it cuz no one else will.

It goes like this.

Coffee, breakfast, shit and then shower + brush your teeth
Breakfast for kid,Coffee ,toast ,feed kitty ,pack lunches ,get kid to school bus,excersize, work
Lumberjack70 · 56-60, M
Run the dishwasher, make lunch and coffee, and a short 15 min commute to work.
Running the Roomba
Packing my lunch
Making a to go coffee
Morning run with my dog
Elisbch · M
Walking and feeding my dog, feeding my parrots then coffee and watch some news on TV.
Mirage · F
Feeding kitty
Letting chickens out of the coop and unthawing water if needed.
5 cigarettes and a couple of hours on my exercise bike
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Usually, breakfast and then footling about on here for a while!
Fluffybull · F
Coffee, radio, feeding the goldfish.
Lifehues · 51-55, M
Some exercise and a prayer.
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
Coffee, weed, and exercise.
Walking our dogs
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
coffee and nicotine
Coke and a cigarette
A bowel movement..lol 🤷‍♂️🤣
Journal and exercise
Tobasco · 31-35, F
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