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It’s slow-going so far. I’m waiting for my first appointment for work.
Senecaa · 70-79, M
Am watching Pointless quiz program.
TristanRaven · 18-21, M
Trying to buy a Christmas present for my step-ma but the only thing I can think of it's a one way ticket to the Mars. So Elon,help pls😂
Senecaa · 70-79, M
@TristanRaven how is it where you are is it day or night morning or aftn what time is it?
Why do you type three times?
Why do you type three times?
Why do you type three times?
This message was deleted by its author.
Lilnonames · F
@Senecaa why so many times
Senecaa · 70-79, M
@Lilnonames it didn't seem to upload at first.
Lilnonames · F
@Senecaa internet flashed mine does that too