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If you were to announce every time you got blocked how many posts would you make a day?

SmartKat56-60, F
I don鈥檛 even check to see if anybody has blocked me. If they dislike me enough to block me, I probably wouldn鈥檛 like them either.
SmartKat56-60, F
@Repete No idea. Like I said, I鈥檝e never even tried.
Repete61-69, M
Same here . @SmartKat
Justmeraeagain56-60, F
@SmartKat Feel the same
OnePatheticClown51-55, M
At least one...One post that nobody would see because it wouldn't appear on anyone's feed since that is how it works now...
Justmeraeagain56-60, F
@OnePatheticClown True we just see other people we hadn't seen before...
@Justmeraeagain i see the same 5 over and over from 3 days ago and a couple new ones here and there
Repete61-69, M
I only know of 3-4 that has blocked me total. And even less that I have blocked. That doesn鈥檛 mean I don鈥檛 ignore others . My opinion is I might not like something someone else says this time but if I block them I won鈥檛 see the time they post something I might be interested in. It happens, maybe, sometime, probably never.
No idea, but several I guess. Oh, and maybe if I made a post for each time they unblock me again, that will be your typical sensitive blocker who cannot drop being obsessed by you.
Justmeraeagain56-60, F
Adaydreambeliever56-60, F
LOL I've no idea.. most of the time I don't even know if people have blocked me.. but it's a fun thing to think about :P
Justmeraeagain56-60, F
@Adaydreambeliever Me either I don't keep a running tab
I like the PROUD TO BE BLOCKED POSTS.....why i don't care just updating everyone

i don't give a shit who blocks me, i only care who i block.
Idk i rarely notice when I鈥檝e been blocked
Justmeraeagain56-60, F
@summersong Me either, really
Beatbox3431-35, M
A gazillion posts
Justmeraeagain56-60, F
@Beatbox34 馃く
sarabee199526-30, F
Lol, more than I do now!
About 50
Justmeraeagain56-60, F
@SW-User Wow
helenS36-40, F
0.003 馃槒
Justmeraeagain56-60, F
@helenS 馃槆
Chances are, I might not know when it happened. I鈥檝e often discovered I was blocked after the fact. But generally it doesn鈥檛 bother me enough to announce it when I do notice. I just kinda shrug and move on. 馃
Justmeraeagain56-60, F
@bijouxbroussard Happens,most not worth more than shrug off
Well if i annouced when i 'BLOCKED' some one it b about 3-5 a day. but today it would so far b 7
Justmeraeagain56-60, F
@Lilnonames Good day?
@Justmeraeagain yes
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