He was a voice of reason, and he should have been our first Black President.
4 Star general Colin Powell is dead.
First black chief of staff and first black Secretary of State.
He struggled to succeed in the U.S Army officer corps, against a systematic Bias against those who were apposed to his skin.
He won them over, He rose to the top.
He gave us the underutilized Powell Doctrine:
It we want to use force, to gain a goal,
the we go in with Overwhelming Force, sufficient to Quickly, deciseivly secure that goal. then Immediately leave
the we go in with Overwhelming Force, sufficient to Quickly, deciseivly secure that goal. then Immediately leave
it was Donald Rumsfeld, that intervened against powels wisdom, giving us much too long in Iraq
This brilliant man, chose NOT to run for national office, but should have been our fist Black president.
his loyalty was tested when asked to take the case for Saddam's
weapons of mass destruction to the UN.
I watched this. and saw in his face, that he did NOT believe what he was reporting. His Long time aid , Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, said it was the lowest point, in General Powell's life time of service. "he stormed out of his office, a thing that never happened before. saying of the Saddam weapons reports "this is Bulllshit" Later, he left supporting the republicans, and even endorsed Obama and voted against trump in 2016
He served us all, We should be glad he was there for us.
Thank you General. 🇺🇸