lou502008 · 61-69, M
probably the end of life as we know it!
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Since it's the consumers paying the tax rather than the corporations themselves it means absolutely nothing to the corporations themselves.
Actual corporate control is the only thing that could control them. And that will never happen under the current system. This talk of one world government actually only applies to the international corporations.
Only they control under the current system.
Actual corporate control is the only thing that could control them. And that will never happen under the current system. This talk of one world government actually only applies to the international corporations.
Only they control under the current system.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
A One world totalitarian dictatorship….slavery for the masses deemed worthy of living that the elites need to fulfill their lifestyles and agenda, death for the rest of us who don’t intend to go along with their scheme.
mysoulsays · 36-40, M
@cherokeepatti Yes but doest look anything new , just that it has been formalized now
TheConstantGardener · 56-60, M
A level playing field.
gdon39 · 46-50, M
Yay! 136 impoverished countries that the USA already supports all of their needs. Foolish. Get another Great Eight country to foot the bill once and a while.
Trillions annually to protect the world while neglecting our citizens.
Trillions annually to protect the world while neglecting our citizens.
mysoulsays · 36-40, M
@gdon39 may b they can opt out later, but this thing will continue to exist
PhaqueYou · M
Hurt us lil people.
As always.
As always.