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One wish with a twist

If you could get one wish
One that you need to state without a huge detail
That would be doable accross the internet
What would the wish be ?

And please keep it SFW ?
Its an honest interest and i would like to keep it publicly acceptable
BalmyNites · F
My friend wants to know what SFW means 😁
BalmyNites · F
@SW-User Where’s the sexy pizza gone lol
zerofuks2give · 41-45, M
@SW-User wtf?
@zerofuks2give apparently my pizza was not SFW 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
Live and let live
@Nuno to give me my “I’m a greedy little piggy” group
KittyCat1992 · 31-35, T
@SW-User 😀That is a funny one
Nuno · Admin
@SW-User https://similarworlds.com/random-subjects/greedy-little-piggy
@Nuno yay thank you…my inner piggy is very grateful

To have someone back .
KittyCat1992 · 31-35, T
@SW-User Did the person quit being online ?

What ever the case ypu clearly hold that one dear
@KittyCat1992 We just stopped talking for our own reasons. We knew each other offline.
KittyCat1992 · 31-35, T
@SW-User Ohw
Bigotry to end.
KittyCat1992 · 31-35, T
@JustGoneNow I can see the hurt there that is a selfless wish
With a personal attachment

That would be truly a wish to behold
@KittyCat1992 someday.

KittyCat1992 · 31-35, T
@JustGoneNow You have the dream
And its a wish that trough your ideals
with right aproach will improve over time

never give up the goals ypu stand for in the end they pull the future you wish closer to you
MrGomco · 36-40, M
That's a hard question, let me think 🤔
PhaqueYou · M

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