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SatinSecrets · 31-35, M
It's the place you'll find your truest strength
SatinSecrets · 31-35, M
@Eklipse Well, I'll be innovative
Eklipse · F
@SatinSecrets Get me a farm and we can get those furballs we are talking about
SatinSecrets · 31-35, M
@Eklipse sounds good. *disclaimer* I'm trying to go vegan so no slaughtering our pigs

Busybee333 · 31-35, F
You are a fighter. If you must fall, fall, crush, break and tear, let it all out.. for a night. Tomorrow at sunrise, stand again. We are born to stand. We are born to overcome. Your soul knew life was going to be tough before you were born and still chose it. Your soul is bigger than you, you have room for challenges and your power is greater than you think. I don't know your story but I know sorrow very well. I know what it's like when every breath feels like it crushes your heart physically. The whole day. I know the after effects of suppressing a wound very long for the sake of being strong thinking that you'll be able to deal with this detail later... and later never comes because you are bound to continue being strong every single day. And it's exhausting
.. until it starts leaking out... the pain the anger the inexpressed suffering.. and then you don't know how to control the monster of pain that you have raised within you for years.. I know this feeling to the bone. You are so right, you NEED to give up. You need to allow yourself to crash and let the burnout pass straight through you. Those emotions must come out for you to cleanse your heart. Yes, give in to it. Let. It. Out. Your monster, It only wants to be acknowledged and it will go, but if you ignore it, it will keep eating your emotions. Jump into the unknown and the new, imagine that your new life starts today. And make all the changes you always wanted but couldn't before. Trying new and new things will open your mind and you will see that past pains actually make us stronger, resilient, able to help good people who suffer too. You are emotionally deeper from all that you have experienced. You can now feel the pain strongly, but this coin has another side - it will teach you to be grateful of what really matters in life. Only those who suffered can feel better when the precious moments come. Life itself is a short moment. The past as already happened. It is time to start anew . Your time is NOW and you have strength. So.. rest, cry, and sleep tonight, but jump up to conquer your whole life at morning. When you want to give up is the moment to hit circumstances back and move forward. You can do it. If you cannot find the fuel in you in one day, take a few more days to grieve the old sorrows BUT then STEP forward! The past is what you cannot change, only learn from. From that point onward it doesn't serve you and you must let go of it to make space for new experiences. For better chances. You owe this to yourself. Life is short anyway, we need to forget some of the bad to focus on the good still alive right here right now. Don't feel shy to also seek professional help. Or an affectionate ear here from SW. We see you, we feel with you, we believe in you.
Busybee333 · 31-35, F
@Eklipse I did this to myself until I broke down in the university hallway out of nowhere. It's like a puzzle that you have completed ober the years to hide your pains but all the pieces just cracked and fell down at once. Because I had suppressed everything for so long, it just exploded. One of my teachers ran to me to pick me up and that gentle, worried, empathetic look in her eyes moved me to the core. That is when I felt, we, humans are connected. We must take care of oneself to be healthy so we can carry it forward and pick each other up. We are strong but not perfect and that's why we must stick together. Don't allow a handful of heartless people to control the world. Feel the ripples of all of us fighting and demanding a better world through our every day actions big and small. Be inspired and be your own ripple. See... after I crashed my mind went blank. As if the rain fell and now I can see clearer. That is why it is important to respect, live out and understand your own emotions. They will help you grow and that is the way to clear path for the better that is to come. And you know something better is to come because you'll put your devotion to it ❤
Eklipse · F
@Busybee333 That must have been very hard. Glad they took care of you and are feeling better now. It's true, you are right.
SatinSecrets · 31-35, M
@Busybee333 best answer
ravenhill · M
giving up why? i have been through hardships throughout my life but i still continue to fight.
Eklipse · F
@ravenhill I still fight alright, just gets exhausting. Alone.
SatinSecrets · 31-35, M
@Eklipse you're not alone!
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
i wish you wouldnt. but if you do, dont make someone else find your body and be scarred for life.
Eklipse · F
@HellsBelle 30 years young. I'm not as bad as one initially thinks.
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@Eklipse I didnt think you were bad at all. it was the "xD" for me. but I should have know that was our generation and not younger.
Eklipse · F
@HellsBelle I'm very direct so it might give off an older vibe I dont know
@Eklipse You seen the movie Galaxy Quest?
Eklipse · F
@Disney Nope
@Eklipse It's what the gif is from.
It's spoof of Star Trek
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
I’m by your side my friend💙
Best of luck💙
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
@Eklipse Understood
I’d never want to pry in your life
Just want you to know you have a safe place to talk if you need to talk💙
Eklipse · F
@JRVanguard Thank you, I appreciate 💙
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
I appreciate you my friend💙
Keep on pushing buddy! Take pride in the struggle
Eklipse · F
@SW-User Its that or the end. In my opinion anyway
@Eklipse keep on fighting!
Eklipse · F
@SW-User I'll do my best
Harl3y100 · M
I was there and a conversation solidified it. I saw the light haha.
Eklipse · F
@Harl3y100 Bless you.
Harl3y100 · M
@Eklipse I’m sorry for the pain you’re feeling. ❤️
Eklipse · F
@Harl3y100 Needs it's time. Thanks for understanding.
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
reading the other comments....... i feel like a fool. giving up.... did you mean giving up on a game? 🤦‍♀️
Eklipse · F
@HellsBelle No, it was picked up that way.
FlutteringWordsSA · 41-45, F
Someone will miss you, even if you don't know who. It will get better.
Eklipse · F
@FlutteringWordsSA I wish I knew who...😶
Ingwe · F
what game are you playing?
Eklipse · F
@Ingwe Freefall xD
Take the next step and save yourself.
Eklipse · F
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
I hope you don't

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