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Am I pretty?

Just kidding. I haven't cracked any mirrors, and that's something at least. 馃槃
not another am I pretty post. 馃ぃ
SnowBlack18-21, F
@Lilymoon Yeah, I was being a wee bit sarcastic.
@SnowBlack Good. don't think I can read another one lmao
SnowBlack18-21, F
@Lilymoon Yeah. From a guy and for a first post it's not very promising.
vetguy199151-55, M
As far as I know you are
Well, to have seven erstwhile followers--even if little people--AND a prince, I'd have to go with YES. 馃槈
SnowBlack18-21, F
@SomeMichGuy That's my cousin, Snow White. I'm just normal people.
@SnowBlack I figured you were just her mirror image, with your own entourage & suitor. lol
Pretzel61-69, M
I've never seen you look better
(I've never seen you come to think of it)
SnowBlack18-21, F
@Pretzel My cartoon pic is fairly accurate. I have dark hair and eyes, quite fair skin and big boobs.
probably, but really... how would i know? ;)
SnowBlack18-21, F
@SW-User I'll take probably!
VTDestiny22-25, M
Nice Profile Pic
SnowBlack18-21, F
@VTDestiny Thanks. I had to crop it because the rest wasn't nice.
Zzxxxx56-60, M
Yes all women are pretty
Never seen you 馃憖
SnowBlack18-21, F
@SW-User It's a gag question. Feel free to gag.
@SnowBlack Never seen you gagged either 馃憖

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