Disney Best Comment
I don't have anyone blocked, but I am old and wise unlike you children here who feel the need to hide under the chair when a shooter comes in. In my day we attacked their stupid a** because power in numbers.
Northeastern High School 1977

Northeastern High School 1977

AiKillsPedophiles · 100+, M
@Disney your voice does not sound too friendly in my mind. 😅
plungesponge · 41-45, M
499. The one that put the sweater on the cat can stay
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plungesponge · 41-45, M
@CertifiedFreak if all 500 of you laugh, I get an SW coin
CertifiedFreak · 26-30, F
@plungesponge one of my personalities will spare ur life for being moderately funny
plungesponge · 41-45, M
@CertifiedFreak the other 499 will never speak to her again

Some of their personalities might be cool!
Some of their personalities might be cool!

Gangstress · 41-45, F
I muted you instead lol
SledgeHammer · 46-50, M
I already used them all up and you're still here!
They should have never given you that computer.. ever since you got it you've gone totally insane.!
They should have never given you that computer.. ever since you got it you've gone totally insane.!
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
Nah 500 would be a sacrifice. I could use it for the pervs
Bang5luts · M
Nah. I'll be your friend

No. I'm saving my blocks for my alt accounts