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Where has all my stuff gone?

Just logged on for the first time in a looong time, maybe over a year, and I notice all of my stuff is gone? Every post I made, every friend I had, everything except my groups and a couple of badges proving I joined in the first six months. I don't recall deleting any of it, does SW just delete all your shit if you don't check in often enough?
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Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Velcom to ze new order !
All recognition of ze past has been erased !

All your former groups unt experiences no longer egzist !

It has annoyed……just about everybody
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@BloopityBloop Relax. Your carcass is intact 🙂
BloopityBloop · 26-30, M
@Picklebobble2 One of the least comforting phrases I could imagine 😂 If you have to reassure someone as to the condition of their carcass, it doesn't speak well to the rest of the situation
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@BloopityBloop …I was chuckling as I typed it just visualising the idea 🤣
PoizonApple · 41-45, F
BloopityBloop · 26-30, M
@PoizonApple You are more than aware that I know that song very well... 😂
PoizonApple · 41-45, F
@BloopityBloop It was in your dusty archive box.
BloopityBloop · 26-30, M
@PoizonApple Wait, is there a real archive, or are you referring to the unspoken connection between me and that song? 😂
Punches · 46-50, F
Recently they did away with a lot of groups and God knows what else.
Some people lost a lot of stuff.

Never trust some web site to safeguard anything important, always have at least one backup somewhere.
BloopityBloop · 26-30, M
@Punches Yeah this is very true. I'm sure I downloaded an archive zip file of all my experience project stuff back in the day, but god only knows where that is
ExtremeNext · 36-40
They are making changes to make the experience more enjoyable for everybody

So they say
BloopityBloop · 26-30, M
@ExtremeNext Yeah, that sounds about in line with my memories of this place. Constant tampering and fiddling 🙄
ExtremeNext · 36-40
@BloopityBloop it's just change after change atm, why fix something that ain't broke?
BloopityBloop · 26-30, M
@ExtremeNext Change after change yet the UI and design is somehow more than before? God knows how they managed that
KuroNeko · 41-45, F
I came back to find my whole profile gone once.
BloopityBloop · 26-30, M
@KuroNeko Woof, yeah it's not fun. Being gaslighted by a damn website
KuroNeko · 41-45, F
@BloopityBloop Especially since they don't like to let you delete anything yourself!
BloopityBloop · 26-30, M
@KuroNeko Mmmm tasty double standards...
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
We had a big liquidation party 🎊
BloopityBloop · 26-30, M
@Ambroseguy80 To think I missed it after being witness to the end of the Experience Project
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
@BloopityBloop but SW isn’t over. You can build back up again…. For the big one.
BloopityBloop · 26-30, M
@Ambroseguy80 I'm not sure I have the free time, energy or inclination to be honest 😅 I'm sure I'll dip in and out over time
you time traveled to the start of your profile
BloopityBloop · 26-30, M
@deathfairy Apparently so, I wasn't really planning to become super active again or anything, but I thought it'd be nice to look through. But apparently not, nevermind I guess

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