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Back surgery

Has anyone had or know anyone that has has OLIF/TLIF back fusion surgery?? What was the outcome? TIA
I had anterior facet surgery to my spine. It was painless. However I'm on pain management for the rest of my life. (Hydrocodone)
Chevy454 · 46-50, M
I’m on a bunch of things now. Nothing helps. Surgeon said I’ll be out of work for at least 6 months. Is that about right? I’m in construction. @Grateful4you
Moonpenny · F
Back fusion surgery but not in the lumbar region.
Chevy454 · 46-50, M
@Moonpenny are you happy with results?? Any pain?
Moonpenny · F
@Chevy454 I think that very much depends on the skill of your surgeon. Mine also wanted a second opinion, which indicated to me that he wanted confirmation on his own prognosis, not that he didn't know what he was doing. He was a brilliant consultant in every way. The procedure went well and long-term I had no pain, only slight permanent nerve damage which hardly affects my everyday motor skills. The procedure was expected to last about 15 years and 19 years later i'm only now waiting for a further op on the same area.
Carissimi · F
I know someone who had surgery for their back. I think it was a laminectomy, but I think they fused his disks together. Not sure. Can’t recall all the details now.

Before surgery he couldn’t walk or use his bladder because of pressure on certain nerves. After surgery he could eventually walk and could urinate again, but he was in terrible pain for the rest of his life. Had to quit work while only middle aged. He went down hill over the next 10-years, and died.
HurtMe · 51-55, M
I've had neck vertebrae fused, where concern ab out that is different than for the back. It took a bit to get used to, but use of the back has got to be monitored very much. Try not to find the max you can handle due to hurting it again,
Steve42 · 56-60, M
Yep. My 80 year old mother. They also implanted pain killer module in case it started to hurt because it was gonna take a few surgeries. She has a lot less pain now, after they removed the pain killer. Plays golf, the whole bit.

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