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UFOs and Trump

With the footage and revelation of UAPs, purpose of AATIP, and the Senate involvement - does this make Space Force less of a coincidence?

I could see a scenario in which Trump gets into office and one of the first questions he asks or looks into is "Are there really aliens out there?". Someone tells him "yes" or gives him the information on it, and he is like "oh crap, we need to protect ourselves" and creates Space Force.

I could 100% see this being one of the things that Trump would look into. Also, like or dislike him, he is one who leaps to protectionist policies to secure America. Without agreeing or disagreeing with his tactics or philosophies, I believe that if he knew of a potential threat from aliens, he would move to solve it.

However, I also see Trump as wanting credit for "exposing" UFOs and bragging about it to the country. So that is the part that makes me think it is a coincidence. Although he does care a great deal about his image so maybe he thought it would make him look crazy?

Either way - exciting times and I am looking forward to the June deadline for the Pentagon.
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Sandcastler · 26-30, M
Yeah the recent interview by governor of NJ where he was annoyed at the lack of transparency about the drones from the federal government-- even to a governor of a state, along with the interview that Luis Elizondo gave on comedy central, really made me take this whole aliens thing way more seriously tbh.

I don't think I would have batted an eye at that kind of conspiracy before last year
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I doubt if many people in the military think UFO's are alien spacecraft.

But because these flying objects are unidentified, they have been classified as secret, because that is what the military habitually does. It classifies information as secret, since it operates from the perspective of regarding things as potentially harmful to national security.
Jessichaos · 26-30, F
@DrWatson I agree but the coincidence of the two things make interesting timing.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@Jessichaos That is true.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Will be interesting
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
Nah, it’s just a reorganization, moving space stuff from under USAF.

And aliens buzzing us for shits and giggles remain vanishingly unlikely, UFOs or not.

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