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I'm really disgusted by the recent violence against Asians by the right wing cult of Trumpism totally deplorable.

The REAL virus that is killing the souls of too many Americans is hatred planted by the heinous words from Trump. He needs to be put away in a secured nursing home or mental facility.
HannahSky · F Best Comment
Let the trolls begin lol

This is really awful and upsetting. I feel really bad for the Asian communities and what's happening.
@HannahSky I was expecting the trolls doesn't bother me in the least. Glad that you too agree about what's been happening all over our country. I'm planning a peaceful protest for next month.
HannahSky · F
@Grateful4you thanks for BC 🌼 and the post to highlight this problem with targeting Asian people.
@HannahSky 😀 You're welcome, reassuring to me that there are still sane and empathetic people around I needed your words more than you know.

spjennifer · 56-60, T
Not sure if tRump is solely to blame for the inherited racism, xenophobia and misogyny, it isn't new and has existed for decades and even centuries. He was and is more a symptom of long brewing discontent and he gave a voice to those racists and seemed to make it acceptable once again to be racist and to make it acceptable once again to voice that racism publicly. For those things, shame on him and the Retrumplicans.
@spjennifer That may be but don't forget he championed the "Proud Boy's" saying "Stand back and stand by" to a group who's chant was "Jews will not replace us" wearing Nazi regalia. People keep apologising for him when it's not warranted. He is criminal and should be imprisoned.
spjennifer · 56-60, T
@Grateful4you Totally agree, he is a racist, narcissist, elitist, misogynist pig, he always has been and deserves to be prosecuted but we'll have to wait and see if that happens...
@spjennifer Thanks I'm getting weary but not sorry. With all the trolling I actually made a new friend (and probably a hundred enemies I'll never know about lol)
Using a tragedy as a political debate starter is pretty piss poor in my opinion. People have died and maybe a little respect could go a long way. Just sayin.
@Grateful4you well if I can see corruption in American polotics, I can see it happening on this big red island too. It’s only a matter of time before we end up in your situation and barely any locals here have any idea.
@SW-User And there is exactly the crux of the matter. The vast majority of people here prefer an afternoon at Starbucks or complaining about wearing a mask. Clueless and prefer indifference. "I don't want to get involved" is our national anthem. The recent blood and violence keeps me awake at night. I'm having a peaceful protest about the attacks on Asians all over our country. If after one full day, my silly little sign makes ONE single person think twice the effort will have been worth it.
the media is to blame for the divide, highly paid media cooperations are either far left or far right and it’s there to point the fingers at someone and say “theres the bad guy”.
Only if you think the media had someone impersonating Trump when he held rallies demonizing anyone who didn’t agree with him. And perhaps you think someone at Twitter was responsible for the endless Tweets Trump sent ? His own advisors (who wanted him to succeed) couldn’t stop him from publicly posting offensive tweets ! If he had wanted to keep the media off of his arse, all he had to do was stay off of social media ! He couldn’t even manage that ! But he has been a voice for the white supremacists in our country—and those abroad, too. The Australian who murdered all those Muslims in New Zealand cited Trump as his inspiration.
Grendale · 36-40, M
Trump derangement syndrome lives on even though he isnt the president anymore?
@Grendale A lot of butthurt extremist taking it out on the defenseless, like any homegrown coward they learned from the almighty master.
Grendale · 36-40, M
@Grateful4you ummm...okay?
@Grendale In otherwords I started a shitstorm, everyone else is upset but I'm just ducky.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Doesn't help when the former president call Covid-19 the Chinese virus.
But it comes from “Chy-na”@JimboSaturn
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
Is there a link that you can provide that says trump supporters are behind the racism against asians?
ididntknow · 51-55, M
You watch too much cnn
@ididntknowA typical response from someone suffering from acute brain worms how sad for you sir.
I just posted something on this, too. It’s been absolutely ridiculous. 😞
@bijouxbroussard I've been so agitated today it took hours for me to calm down. The division in our country isn't mending it's getting worse honey.
DCarey · 46-50, M
If you watched real news, you would know that most of the violence against Asians is being done by blacks in inner cities. But you're a sheeple, so.....
@DCarey ...And Fox news and Newsmax is REAL news. LMFAO. "Blacks in inner cities" of course (rolls eyes) Not going to insult you I never insult mentally delayed persons of your ilk.
DCarey · 46-50, M
@Grateful4you I don't watch FNC or Newsmax. But you're doing what weak leftists generally do: projection. If you weren't mentally "delayed," you would know white supremacists aren't roaming the streets of Oakland and LA attacking Asians. If they tried, they wouldn't last long. But in your paranoid mind there are white supremacists lurking around every corner. You need help. You need intense psychiatric treatment. At your advanced age, time is running out.
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@ididntknow The comments he made about the “Kung flu” and various rants about the Chinese. So other racists are attacking anyone who looks even vaguely Asian. The same way his comments about Mexicans “invading the country” prompted a white supremacist to murder 22 Latinos in El Paso, TX. And his lies about the election being “stolen” prompted an attempted siege by his fanatics on the government itself.
@ididntknow Read the comment above by Biouxbrossard she says it all. I'd rather be an idiot than a brainwashed bootlicker of a tyrant and wanna be dictator.
@bijouxbroussard Beautifully said and painfully sad. Thank you hon.

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