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On here, no.
In real, yes. Because the reaction was so out of balance to what I meant, it was a straight regret.
In real, yes. Because the reaction was so out of balance to what I meant, it was a straight regret.
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@SW-User 🤣 Lol is that what you do? I can't even remember what I asked but clearly the other person heard their own qn.. and it was nothing to do with chubs.
@SW-User Sadly I have to admit I've reacted badly to simple questions before. Not proud😔.
@SW-User I am sure at some point we all react badly to something innocent. But its different if someone is in an emotional upset state and reacts compared to very seemingly normal situation and then they react out of the blue. Eh.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
just because emotionally unstable people exist it doesn't mean you're all of a sudden wrong to be curious.