I don’t know myself sometimes .... I’m ok with not being ok.... I know it’s a bad day not a bad life ♥️
Tomorrow · 56-60, F
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
I have a lot of interests and sides to my nature. I am authentic but tend to relate to people via common interests only. People who have related most closely to me have seen more aspects of me than most, naturally.
Driver2 · M
People I trust know the real me. Those I don’t I just keep them wondering
ImplodingVoices · F
Pretendy is a wonderful fake word.
And not likely, where is the fun in reality?
And not likely, where is the fun in reality?
Tomorrow · 56-60, F
@ImplodingVoices LOL. Exactly that.
ImplodingVoices · F
Kind of hard to escape if your dragging reality with you. @Tomorrow
Tomorrow · 56-60, F
@ImplodingVoices True that! *kicks reality to the curb*

I'm as authentic as I dare to be these days
Tomorrow · 56-60, F
@SW-User A good way to put it.
Deadwait · 46-50, M
I’m an open book 😂
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
A lot of people know the real me just not the secret.

I'm not a very complicated man really.