assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
Did you shift to pcos friendly diet? And exercise?
Deadgirl · 26-30, F
@assemblingaknob tried that but the pills for pcos just made it worse i weigh 90 kgs at that time and now i am 150kgs
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@Deadgirl generally, losing weight is recommended first and foremost. You should speak to your gynaecologist about it. Or get a second consultation.
PhoenixPhail · M
That's drastic. But I understand. You're looking for relief. I hope you can find it without ending everything. ♥️
sam1992really · 31-35, M
What is Pocos ?
Deadgirl · 26-30, F
@sam1992really poly cystic ovarian syndrome
Willomk1 · 46-50, M
I bet you look fantastic