Grateful4you · M
We got a little in Southern Ca. Not much but earlier than last year.
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Grateful4you · M
@Mongoheadmonster A beautiful country. I used to go to Winnipeg every summer years ago.
Mongoheadmonster · 46-50, M
@Grateful4you I'm the next province west...north central Saskatchewan
Grateful4you · M
@Mongoheadmonster I* used to fly Air Canada and would fly over your neighborhood, it was a cheaper, nicer airline than ours in the USA.
Wanna be there 😭
Mongoheadmonster · 46-50, M
@lulaluboo we got like a ton of snow....I usually don't have a pile like that in my yard until like February!!!
Mongoheadmonster · 46-50, M
@lulaluboo this is last night about midnight...I'm driving a 1 ton 4X4 truck...the bumper was pushing snow!!