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paresseux · 26-30, M
People. Evil has been around since dirt was invented, and it always will be. What evil IS is a little more abstract, but whatever your definition is I'm sure theres plenty of people that will fit it until the end of time. Unless you think objective morality doesn't exist, in which case, do whatever you want :D :o

ammoniascrubbertime · 46-50, F
Tennesseans. All evil come from them the serpent was a Tennessean.
dreamaway · F
goddamn those Tennesseans
Madhatter · 31-35, M
Evil is an idea and entirely subjective. It comes from fear and discomfort. Anything that you are afraid of or anything that hurts you or otherwise makes you uncomfortable is evil. That will vary from person to person.
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
So, basically, misunderstanding, and lack of knowledge? I agree in some cases.
Madhatter · 31-35, M
@ZenLioness719: Yeah, I would say that accounts for it in many cases. Although it's also often just conflicting views or values. You can understand something fully and just simply not agree with it. So you call it "evil" because it's so drastically different from your own values.
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
@Madhatter: it's amazing what lack of knowledge evolves into; it's sad.
in the heart and mind
dreamaway · F
Damn our stupid hearts and minds
Mirage · F
This. It's in all of us. We have to choose what to feed.
1961dave · 61-69, M
I think evil is narcissists, people that have no concience. Some of them are just mean nasty people all their lives. Some kill, all if them are capeable of killing, but most don't because of concequences, not concience.
1961dave · 61-69, M
@dreamaway: Yeah, it is I married a narcissist, she was just the nicest person. She even liked everything I liked. After we got married she didn't like what I liked and was mean as Hell! You really don't know, a psychopath doesn't hide it, but a narcissist knows they have to hide it, they play games!
dreamaway · F
@1961dave: yeah that's why i don't trust anyone
1961dave · 61-69, M
@dreamaway: I really can't blame you, I'm pretty trusting, but I should know better.
Evil is a social construct!
dreamaway · F
Makes sense
dinosaurcavemandude · 31-35, M
I'm going to go with QueenOfQuirk here. Its a social construct.
If I was the last animal on earth, there's nothing I could possibly do that is unethical since what is deemed right and wrong is dependent on whether my actions cause suffering or not.
popmol · 22-25, M
its something man made that was already halfly there by nature and instinct. but it doesn't actually exist. its just what we want to be.
and if it really exist beyond the boundaries of human emotion and thoughts it would be made by god but since i don't believe him its man made :p
The heart and mind.
dreamaway · F
I knew it
M3JollyMiles · 31-35, M
The bad in us and the bad in the world. Selfish motives and dissatisfaction with what one has, is the real cause of it...:)
lorne13 · 61-69, M
it's an attack on all life. it comes from trump
dreamaway · F
Down with trump then!
Evil is a ghost trapped in a beat.
dreamaway · F
Ah i see.
Lucifer. Who is the Author of SIn.
Sacron22 · 56-60, M
Among the most important questions humans have asked for our entire existence. We've come up with many answers (Devil, Original Sin, god's interference, normal sex drive perverted, etc.) and have no definitive answer.
If you find out, let me know?
paresseux · 26-30, M
Good question btw

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