Paintedfox · 36-40, F
Only when I catch a reflection in a car window. I might look at my teeth to check for lettuce, but I make it a point to not think about how I look.
summersong · F
In general once or twice in the morning, once or twice at night.
Ksmile14 · F
probably 10 times a day.
UpsideOutInsideDown · 36-40, M
Just once, but it's for seven solid hours
Classified · M
I don't know 🤔 at least twice, but probably more 🤔
BeefySenpie · M
2-3 plus whenever I workout
PrivateHell · M
As few times as I can possibly get by with
Whenever I go to the bathroom
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I never look in a mirror. That sad pitiful broken-down old man makes me wanna cry.
BlueHorizon · 22-25, M
Every time I go to the bathroom
Eternity · 26-30, M
I flex in the mirror a lot tbh I'm a vain bastard lol.