FreeSpirit1 · F
Anything is a dildo if you're brave enough 🤣
(I'm kidding, relax)
(I'm kidding, relax)
@FreeSpirit1 well at least you entertain
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Zaxel · 26-30, M
im often seeking a distraction but i choose unhealthy outlets (ie: here)
@Zaxel well it used to better when it was ep
Zaxel · 26-30, M
@Theambivert EP just had a better variety of people, SW is more troll-filled and boring/underdeveloped people.
raysam363 · 31-35, F
Nothing new. Y'all mocked us introverts and now we rule!
@raysam363 hahaha that's true.
raysam363 · 31-35, F
@Theambivert We just rule quietly now, cause, you know, introverts.
DudeistPriest · M
@raysam363 It's interesting how us introverts don't have much of a problem switching over to extroverts when needed, but watching extroverts fall over themselves trying to master the skills of Social Distancing is actually a bit comical.
JoeMW · 51-55, M
You can put curry powder on almost anything
Thanos · 31-35, M
i rock!

My strength ♥️
That i hate ignorant arrogant evolutionist trying to tell me what to think about shit
(They got on my nerves the other day 😤😡)
(They got on my nerves the other day 😤😡)