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Sometimes but not always.
Both sometimes
DaveyTaco · 31-35, M
I wish I was a better listener lol
bijouxbroussard · F
Both, sometimes, depending on what they’re saying. When you break it down, judging (assuming you’re not an actual judge) is simply having an opinion. And yes, I may have an opinion about what someone confides. Doesn’t mean I’ll necessarily share that opinion if it wouldn’t be helpful. And it definitely doesn’t necessarily mean I’d stop liking that person or being their friend.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
HannahSky · F
I'm a good listener. Not quick to judge but not quick to accept either.
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Nanori · F
I judge them quietly while making them tell me everything

I listen
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Depends on what they are saying when they talk.
If someone is spitting out false rhetoric or conspiracy bull shitake or crazy making stuff...then I am absolutely judging them.
If someone is spitting out false rhetoric or conspiracy bull shitake or crazy making stuff...then I am absolutely judging them.
JustChill · 26-30, F
@JaggedLittlePill Alright, and when they're genuinely talking about their life and struggles? And I'm not talking about someone close, but a distant friend, coworker, or even someone you met in the waiting room for your doctor appointment?
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@JustChill Human nature is to make judgements of people based on data and observations and personal experiences. It isn't something that we, as humans, can help but do...that is why we are creatures of curiosity.often, you will find, your intial judgements are changed dramatically by actions or words or more conversation. This is a normal process that all humans go through.
It is those who fail to re-examine their judgements or open their mind to having the judgements changed that continue to make the same bad judgements as always and end up in vicious cycles of the same shit all the time.
It is those who fail to re-examine their judgements or open their mind to having the judgements changed that continue to make the same bad judgements as always and end up in vicious cycles of the same shit all the time.