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When things get bad

Do you tend to panic? Or do you keep your cool? Because how it’s looking in society right now a lot of you make me lose hope 😒
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I can't handle panicking for more than a few minutes, it's extremely exhausting, so on the exterior, i go more serious and try to be more thoughtful, to be a part of the solution not the problem. An idea, not always what actually happens.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
Our President said not to worry so what’s there to worry about?
If we die, oh well. 😭😭😭
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
how about you compare it to heart disease l, pnemonia, the typical flu, ebola or any other.. and then give me your results.

The COVID19 contagion is entirely different then your typical flu or heart disease or Ebola. Cannot fairly make a comparison. It’s apples and oranges.
Reverend · M
@SimplyTracie its definitely not as bad as media makes it out to be. Example, where i live there are 60 cases of Coronavirus in the state... thats less then one person per county. Something that kills thousands every year we pass on like its nothing and something that has killed 4000 people worldwide we panic about.
Reverend · M
@SimplyTracie I would also like to say Italy is a special case and the media even realizes that. It could be a different strain of coronavirus all together since there are 5 different strains.
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ancientmariner · 61-69, M
I never hit the panic button... cool as a cucumber as they say 😎
Syktur · 26-30, M
@ancientmariner way to be x
MougyWolf · 36-40, M
Sometimes, but not usually. I tend to keep my cool in most cases. I have a breaking point though when it comes to keeping composure under stress.
Jeffrey53 · 51-55, M
Only thing I’m worried about is my dad he’s 81 with copd otherwise I’m not getting stressed about it
I panic, then I try to de-escalate the situation
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
Just because we haven't experienced this in our lifetimes doesn't mean it hasn't happened many times before. We will all bounce back.
Syktur · 26-30, M
@ButterRobot very true. Just wish people knew that they make it worse when they panic ya know?
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
@Syktur Agreed. People are more worried about the reactions of their fellow humans right now than they are the virus.
Syktur · 26-30, M
@ButterRobot because the way people are reacting is worse than the actual virus pretty much
Want me to write you my life story? I've been through some stuff in my life before. I'm at the point in my life where if I do panic, it only lasts for no more than a minute.
Sapio · 51-55, M
I suffer from high functioning anxiety. So at first I will go into panic mode and then from there I will disassociate so I can do what needs to be done to handle the situation at hand.
Pfuzylogic · M
The quality of our president and his leadership is starting to show itself. The veneer is cracking and he has caused to make this crisis worse by not accepting help from the WHO because as Pence stated
“The U.S. doesn’t need help outside of our country.” We have had huge drops in the Market because those with money know we have an IDIOT at the helm.
Reverend · M
@Pfuzylogic I can't deny that, Trump didn't tell me anything about Florida, i talk to friends and family there daily. I dont agree with him refusing the tests at all. But to see the picture in its perspective its blown WAY out of perspective.
Pfuzylogic · M
@Reverend Dont listen to trump but Dr. Fauci. The curve of infection is exactly where they predicted. I pray it is more like South Korea than Italy’s but it doesn’t look good. Stand by and be ready to pray for the people of Florida.
Reverend · M
@Pfuzylogic prayer is key in every situation!
JessicaVl · F
I know the feeling 😩

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