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When will this sickness end?

Been sick since last Tuesday with some sort of respiratory bullshit that’s turned into bronchitis. Have a hell of a cough and no voice. Doctor at urgent care didn’t bother testing for Coronavirus because they probably didn’t have any tests and also I haven’t been out of the country. I don’t have any suspicions that I had it but I do wish I could kick this, it’s a pain in the ass 🤧
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Sapio · 51-55, M
I caught a cold last Tuesday so I know the feeling of frustration with something lingering.

May I suggest the old Caribbean remedy of a tablespoon of rum and honey? Might help to get your voice back.
Syktur · 26-30, M
@Sapio Great suggestion, I’ll try it out x
NyQuil helps me but that’s assuming you don’t have Coronavirus. They can’t just draw blood and have it tested?
Syktur · 26-30, M
@Spoiledbrat I’m not even bothering going back at this point. I’m just going to ride it out and treat the symptoms. Also I’m obviously quarantining.
sandrides · 31-35, M
Eat as less as you can. Eat healthy raw or boiled vegetables and fruits. Fast as much as you can. With in 3 days you feel much better.
MySecretIdentity1 · 46-50, M
Being tested won't change the treatment. Take not baths. The steam will help and raise your temp for a short term fever which kills germs.
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Which country are you in? I'm not sure I'd rule out coronavirus due to not being out of the country, this thing is spreading locally in almost every major country now
Syktur · 26-30, M
@plungesponge I’m in the U.S.
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Ooh yeah, forget "I haven't traveled so it can't be coronavirus", there's not enough test kits and they wanted the numbers low so they've put bullshit rules in place to limit who qualifies for testing

Syktur · 26-30, M
@plungesponge blame the urgent care I went to lol they’re the ones assuming it’s not Coronavirus because I haven’t traveled.

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