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duffy · 61-69, M
If he is watching you chew, He Likes! He is enjoying!

Lol Maybe he has a thing for watching women eat. Yes, it's a real fetish.
@xIdentity That's true.
MrsCurious · 26-30, F
Yes I seen in this article where a guy had a fetish for stomachs lol 😂 @SW-User
xIdentity · 31-35, M
@MrsCurious The actual stomach... or the abdomen?
NickiHijab · F
If I was in that situation I wouldn't be able to resist myself from making sarcastic comments.

That's annoying.
He sounds like a douche mode.
I would have asked him directly what that was about.
Next is right.
I can't stand it when people watch me eat.
MrsCurious · 26-30, F
Like mind your business @SW-User
@MrsCurious right the worst is when the person across from you isn't eating their own food just watching you.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
I get annoyed when people don’t finish what they order lol
MrsCurious · 26-30, F
Me too! Like we paid for it and I’m going to eat every dime @Longpatrol
Watching you eat? RUDE MUCH!!!!!
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
That would be very disconcerting
It ain't a turn off

I respect women more if they don't fit the stereotypical fear of buying her more than a pint of corn and she wastes your money cuz she isn't eating it for whatever the heck she's thinking about :v
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
It's cute no matter what they eat or how much.

If it's not cute then clearly the person isn't into them and is thinking other things. 🤷‍♀️
xIdentity · 31-35, M
Some guys feel inadequate when the girl eats more than they do. They're just stupid like that.
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MrsCurious · 26-30, F
I mean I have table manners, I wasn’t smacking or eating greedy or non of that. @germanshepard
MrsCurious · 26-30, F
It’s a cute way to eat and a sloppy way to eat. I’m sloppy when I’m alone ..... I’m cute when others are around
That's straight up weird. Says the guy in the horse costume.
Bignose · 26-30, M
He sounds kinda weird.
MrsCurious · 26-30, F
Yeah I was trying something @Bignose
Bignose · 26-30, M
@MrsCurious Maybe you should have just blown him away and eaten loads
Thatd ruin my appetite
MrsCurious · 26-30, F
It did but I knew after the date I was never going to see him again lol together ... planned 😂@DarlingSelah
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
Was it a "vegetarian" dish? Might explain him staring...
PirateMonkeyCabinet · 36-40, M
If it is that much of a deal that he has to "compete" or just watch you eat in that manner... yeah, sounds like a bad date.

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