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How do you respond to negative posts?

You know, those who are seemingly determined to just be an ‘Eeyore’ and live their life under that dark cloud hanging over their heads...
Do you call them out on the negativity? Do you try to pump their esteem levels up a bit? Or do you just ignore them...?
ScarletWitch · 26-30, F
Why call them out on negativity? I'm not going through what they are and I have NO business doing such.
tutku · 26-30, F
I vent on here, A LOT
I post a lot of "negative" posts, and I will keep doing it. I'm not trying to be a mopey and depressive person but I am going through a lot and this is my only place to vent without having people who know me in real life watching. It is one of the main points of this site, to share and support, and I didn't come here to put on a happy face and act like everything's okay. I came here to be real. I hope y'all understand <3
People who pretend to be happy all the time are usually fake in my experience. I prefer real .@tutku
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
Hey sorry....I zoomed in on your pic and now I see you’re not a man! Oops! Carry on missy!
tutku · 26-30, F
@ImpeccablyImperfect Hahahaha removing my gender is one of my tactics to prevent perverts from dm'ing me 😂
AllAboutLaffs · 70-79, M
For the most part, I ignore them. For some, it's a temporary thing ... we all have our bad days. For others, it seems they just want to suck the sympathy out of everyone. If I know the person well, I'll contact them in DM to see if I can help ... otherwise I just let them live their life.
Depends, sometimes say something nice to them others just pass cause don't know what to tell them and because they don't seem to appreciate what I or anyone would tell them.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@SW-User I also find myself at a loss at times, without any idea of what to say (and afraid my words might actually make it worse)
ChiyoSKL · 31-35, F
It depends. For instance, I suffer bipolar so there are weeks where I seem more negative, but I'm not determined to be that way. My brain chemicals just get weird sometimes. However, there were certain posts I would ignore. I try my best to help everybody and make them feel better because I know what it is like to be down. Then there are people who just seem like they are doing it for attention or idk it comes off fake maybe? Those are the ones I ignore.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@ChiyoSKL I would agree, each one needs a different approach. (and hey, I’ve never noticed you to be negative- just sayin’)
ChiyoSKL · 31-35, F
@ImpeccablyImperfect I've had a good string of days going lately it's been really nice. 😋
Dusty101 · F
I started out here trying to ease their cloud of doom.
My hand was bitten. So I just scroll by.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
It depends on how fast I can scroll past or whether they are suicidal or not.
ThePerfectUsername · 70-79, M
I've been known to go out on a limb from time to time and spend ages talking to someone if it seems to be helping.
I've also been known to decide I just don't have the energy right now click away and leave them to their own devices.

It's all down to self-preservation. I won't be any use to anyone tomorrow if I throw it all away tonight on someone who doesn't/can't/won't respond.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
I give them practical advice and move on.
Imsleepy · 31-35
I just ignore them mostly.
Everyone has the rights to post how they feel even if it’s dark. I post regularly about my problems. I think it’s horrible to call someone out on their negativity, talking about my problems saved my life.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@SW-User I agree, it would be horrible to call someone out for making a negative post. I’m glad you’ve received the help to save you from that certain darkness 🤗
curiosi · 61-69, F
Ignore them.
Bruinssoxpats · 56-60, M
Depends who they are . If it was a friend I would try to put a positive spin on it . A stranger , maybe a positive response to their negativity. If they respond with more negativity , time to move on ..
BEENOV · 51-55, M
Personally I would ignore them, why introduces them into a positive atmosphere when you know the are negative about your chosen subject
I try to spin the negativity. But then some just repeatedly post and you have to wonder if they appreciate any help
I mean I'll generally post some encouraging words. Some practical advice if I can, and then move on.
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
I think there's method to every madness and I try not to be judgemental.
Some are just venting here. Expressing it. I try to be kind if not quietly understanding.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Ignore them. Few I like to fuck with just for fun
I suppose it depends on who and about what.
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ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@TheDaVinciCode hahaha no! Just a general query 😆
SweetMae · 70-79, F
I try to encourage when I can.
Peapod · 61-69, F
I usually ignore them.
Carissimi · F
I accept them as is. They are entitled to feel what they feel. I certainly won’t tell them something trite, like “cheer up.” I hope I’d be understanding, if I responded to the post in the first place. Most people just need to vent, to an understanding ear.
Spumoni · 46-50, M
Send them this: + + +
jackson55 · M
I generally don’t.
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
IGNORE simple.
It really depends. If it’s someone I feel I know and the negativity is unusual, like they’re having a difficult day, I try to be supportive and kind. If it’s someone who’s generally always a drag, I tend to keep scrolling, although a few times with people who only seem to post to say how much they hate the site, I have inquired why they’re still here if they dislike SW so much. 🤔
HeteroDox · 36-40, F
@bijouxbroussard @bijouxbroussard Totally - such a thing as bashing your head to a wall repeating yourself..

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