If one disagrees with another, i dont see anything wrong with blocking. Thats better than fighting and being childish lmao
Rokasu · 36-40, M
Man I get blocked just for breathing.

Sometimes I wish they did and sometimes I don't because I don't need that kind of discomfort in my life.
@SW-User the only time it blocking becomes a bother is if you had someone who you were friendly with. but it seems a lot of people here just block for no reason for the most part.

@badapple I get you
JeanAnna · F
How does one even know when they are blocked? It doesn't matter to me who blocks me, no big deal.

Does it really matter how many have blocked you, like what value is that information to you?
curiosi · 61-69, F
They have done you a favor. I got blocked because I said I love and respect my country.........Trash took itself out.

Why do you wana know that?
@SW-User lol just curious.
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