CodeLyoko · 18-21, M
Yes two bestfriends from ep that i met when i was 13(they stop coming on when i was 15 and 16) there names are lucas and kaydee i sometimes think i have enough information to somehow find them like last names and birthdays. I miss them so much they were my first internet friends

ONE person, we used to talk all night for a time, .... on the bright side i have more free time now.....
NightGalleries · 26-30, M
Yeah a decent amount of people I've haven't talked to for awhile. 😕
@NightGalleries i havent talked to handful of people i use to talk to. shoot its been probably 3 years for some of them. but people change too or grow distant.
NightGalleries · 26-30, M
@badapple Yeah true on the last part.
GlitterBug · 22-25, F
A few people. One comes to mind immediately.

Not here but ep yes
A couple

Someone from EP.