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DamnFeelz · 36-40, F
I am inclined to agree that two weeks definitely doesn’t constitute as a relationship. It’s not enough time to get to know someone, but I could imagine spotting a dealbreaker that quickly and deciding it wasn’t the right situation for me. Statistically speaking, it takes 2-3 months for people to start to show their true colors, which is about the time people decide to invest further or jump ship.
Mindful · 56-60, F
Squri13 · 41-45, M
@DamnFeelz I’m just lost. Sometimes I feel like these girls move so fast because I own my own home and sometimes I feel like they like me because their kids dads aren’t there for them. I feel like I’m always making the same mistakes
DamnFeelz · 36-40, F
Hard to say. Could be any of those reasons or none. I do know two messes combined do not make for a solid foundation. @Squri13

calicuz · 51-55, M
Bad idea, it takes more than two weeks to get to truly know someone
indyjoe · 56-60, M
Two weeks is NOT a relationship...🤨
Zoranna · F
Shallow or what? It takes more than two weeks to get to know someone.
Zoranna · F
@Squri13 Well that's up to you to protect him don't you think?
Squri13 · 41-45, M
@Zoranna Yes. I want to give people more time but I don’t want to force someone in my sons life if he doesn’t like her. I’m at a loss on this
Mindful · 56-60, F
@Squri13 he won’t like anyone you don’t like. He will always dream of his real mom, and not anyone else. The longer you take the less bonding there will be between him and any other step mom. You g kids are usually more sweet and easy going when they are young. So, if he’s over 13 you might need to just wait till he’s 18
Two weeks is nothing. You can only trust someone after establishing it over a longer period of time and trust is a big part of any relationship
CM440 · 56-60, C
Unless you see a raging red flag, that is not enough time to fully know and understand a person.
Bitabyss · 51-55, M
I suppose that depends on what you want out of the relationship.
Mindful · 56-60, F
Why? Are you easily bored? Easily angered?
Squri13 · 41-45, M
@Mindful Not at all. I guess it’s just complicated

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