Some people give Christmas a bad name.
I prefer sensitivity, intelligent humour ... the nostalgia.
not “shove it in my face” lingo.
The food is the best part, cooking and sharing with loved ones around the table and pulling the crackers for those corny jokes then going for a walk afterwards before settling in to snuggle.
Over the top trashy Xmas isn’t for me.
I prefer sensitivity, intelligent humour ... the nostalgia.
not “shove it in my face” lingo.
The food is the best part, cooking and sharing with loved ones around the table and pulling the crackers for those corny jokes then going for a walk afterwards before settling in to snuggle.
Over the top trashy Xmas isn’t for me.
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kayla68 · 56-60, F
@RodneyTrotter yes
Experienced33 · M
Just No Hype Holidays for me....😅

Pass me by, just found out my son will be with his Dad's family this Thanksgiving so for the first time in 20 years I don't have anyone to cook for and I am bummed