butterflymind1 · F
an unknown force set everything in motion
TrveNorth · 31-35, M
I feel everything has a beginning. As for what created the Universe, could of been the Big Bang or God. It's a question that is really hard to prove or disprove.
JavaJoe · 51-55, M
I believe that God set everything in motion. Women just keep it going. ;)
Anonymouslyyours86 · 36-40, F
@JavaJoe but it is women, the give birth that carry and bring life, but for a woman to do so, she needs a man, so how did the universe come to life?
JavaJoe · 51-55, M
@Anonymouslyyours86 I agree, but God gave man and woman their life-giving faculties
It's just the way it is. I believe it happens in other universes as well. There is no being or God that does it. It just happens. It just is.