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What Kind Of Woman Says This?

Long story short, a woman well known in my hometown is like only 33 and has had 4 husbands. She once told someone I know...”I like em, barely breathing.
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Tatsumi · 31-35, M Best Comment
I have a theory. Money is a general sexual characteristic to women, but ones who place the most emphasis on it are women who grew up feeling like they weren't well provided for and that resources were scarce. Women who grew up feeling okay--feeling the key word--just view money as another factor to consider, nothing particularly special, but still somewhat important.

That's my theory. Dunno if it's true or not, but it makes some kind of sense.

Fun fact: Women don't commit homicide in marriage nearly as much as men do, but when they do, money is usually the motivator.
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
@Tatsumi Again your experience is limited on these things.. you perhaps know a fair few women who are quite shallow... perhaps the younger generation is? I don't know but seriously this doesn't represent most women.. just shallower ones...

Poor women are often no more likely to grow up over-valuing money than rich.. rich women perhaps have a greater tendency to value money as they have been raised having privilege and would not want to be without it.. poor women are used to making do and doing without.. realise the value of money and don't waste it.. and were raised that way...

And we need to factor in class.. often a rich man is also one who is of higher class.. inherited money, good schooling etc... and so a common woman would not be an appropriate partner.. class matters...

I often tell the tale of a man i met who was stinking rich... but he was an asshole.. no personality.. and bigoted, misogynistic.. so I rejected him. but.. but.. what was really interesting was... that he was often rejected... so that puts paid to your theory.. he was a lonely man... and women don't want men like that.. he wasn't bad looking either.. but...

PS women as I understand it more often commit homicide because of domestic violence and abuse.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@Adaydreambeliever Well, my experience doesn't really factor into it all that much, but I will say that's an assumption on your part. One may know many facts about the Eiffel Tower without ever having been there and be much more correct than someone who has visited, as well.

All women are shallow. All men are shallow. Anyone who pretends otherwise is either deluded or ignorant, imo. Of course, we have to pretend IRL.

Honestly, that goes triple for women and the romantic partners they pick. It is purely "How can you benefit me more than all the other men in my proximity?" Men don't particularly think that way.

And I'm sure women don't actively think it in so many words, but that is the pure and simple intention. And it stands to reason, since sex is such a greater risk to women. They need it to be worth the risk, so they have significantly higher--and more specific--standards.

Women are especially shallow when it comes to how a man may benefit them practically; men are particularly shallow when it comes to sex.

Perhaps my source was wrong. *shrug* Money is unequivocally a sexual characteristic to women, however. Women may vary to the degree in which they place emphasis on it, but virtually all women view it as a sexual trait: whether they know it or not.