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Have you ever said anything unintentionally to someone that hurt their feelings?

I've met some people at work before and became close to them, until I met this girl that went ballistic on me.

We were talking about colleges and where we went to, what we were studying, etc.
She brought up that she went to a Uni and ended up not finishing for some reasons and now she's in 40k$ debt with parents who don't want to help.

Then I told her my college story, that I studied and graduated. I also mentioned I didn't thankfully had debt because my parents paid my tuition in full. But I went to a 2 year college.

Well her and I aren't friends anymore because of our finances. Which is stupid because everyone was raised differently, I wasn't trying to brag but share my college story.

Sometimes you just can't control how people react.

What have you said or done that made someone react differently? Share please!! <3
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I'm in the same situation.
My parents are both generous and are covering my studying fees and are letting me live without any living coats for me to pay. they also fund all my vacations.
I've lost friends because of it. People suddenly feel inadequate or jealous because of how lucky I am. I let them leave, and just hope one day they'll feel healed enough to come back to me. Our friendships were real, but ruined by jealousy.
SaraxKay · 26-30, F
@SW-User Yes, exactly! I wasn't trying to make her jealous at all. Just like you weren't with any of your friends. You can't victimize yourself forever with people who are fortunate. We are all fortunate with the littlest things too, like being alive, at least they can be grateful for that.
@SaraxKay Yeah, I agree completely
hami1091 · 41-45, F
I did via a Facebook post I was asking for pre-k recommendations and the ages they accepted. Someone commented it must be nice to have money to send my kid to one of the pre-k's I was talking to a teacher from on the post. I not thinking replied honestly I'd be glad next fall when I could send her there because it was cheaper than daycare. Oops person hasn't spoken to me sense. I'll still be glad to send her next fall and save money. If I had to wait until she was 4 for a public pre-k to take her if they had room I'd go broke paying daycare. Sorry not sorry and I certainly wasn't bragging like the person implied I was.
SaraxKay · 26-30, F
@hami1091 If you're doing what's best for your little one, then that is all what's important! Besides, the person who commented that remark isn't going to help raise your child will they? lol
My worst case of foot-in-mouth occurred when I worked at a record store in the 90’s that also sold some videos. For some reason, we started stocking these horrible football blooper videotapes. People would buy them thinking they were getting a deal on NFL videos, but they were all mainly USFL and CFL clips with no NFL clips whatsoever. We took so many of them back, because customers would return them for being so awful. I began to warn people before they bought them just to make sure they knew what they were getting into. One evening, a really big dude walked up to the counter with one of those videos, so I said something like “just so you know, there are no NFL clips on that tape. It’s mainly crappy USFL highlights.” The guy proceeded to show me his 1983 Michigan Panthers USFL championship ring. Oops.
SaraxKay · 26-30, F
@SW-User oh wow. How did he react?
He bought the tape...angrily. The other guy at the counter astutely observed “I thought he was gonna kick your ass!” It was that bad. @SaraxKay
SaraxKay · 26-30, F
@SW-User that's a weird coincidence lol but he took that kind of personally, you didn't know he did or was into US football? You were just being courteous because of the return rate of the video lol.
Oster1 · M
You did nothing wrong. The sensitivity is all on her......for obvious reasons:)
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
Tbh that's not cool, you should be happy for other people.
That's just a lack of humility and jealousy on their part, don't take it to heart.
SaraxKay · 26-30, F
@Ryannnnnn exactly!!
karysma · 36-40, F
When my next door neighbor shared with me that she'd left her matrimonial home because her husband cheated on her again I told her she went into this with her eyes wide open because he did the same thing before they got married. My mom says I was too hard on her
karysma · 36-40, F
@SaraxKay Some people prefer to hear the sugar coated truth but it's just not in me to tell people what they want to hear. I also told her if she gets back with him there's a huge chance he'll do it again. She said she ain't going back till he compensates her family for hurting her (it's part of our culture) but I don't think it'll make a difference cause once a cheater, always a cheater
SaraxKay · 26-30, F
@karysma I agree on speaking up as a friend! Hopefully she'll find some peace soon. (You're still a great friend)
karysma · 36-40, F
@SaraxKay Yeah I hope so too. What's worse is that she waited to have sex only for him to disrespect her the way he did
No,either did you, it's not what you said,it's how they took it.
SaraxKay · 26-30, F
@SW-User YES.
XDHyperGirlXD1 · 31-35, F
i went to 2 different colleges for 2 different educational reason
(munches on cookie) 👀
All the time
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SaraxKay · 26-30, F
@RogueLoner If that's what someone called you then they are completely wrong. Most especially those use of words, sounds like someone took it personally.
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