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Riddle for you! I will let you know if you get it right in 3 hours. or more depends on if I'm on.

There is a murderer ok? He/She leaves a trail of clues on a various chain of crimes about who, when, where, why, and how the victim will be murdered. That day/night, the murderer is in the room with the victim, the detective, and him/herself. Two people die, yet the murderer only kills one. How is this possible?
Shayla · F
The murderer set up the clues to look like a victim himself/herself. The detective killed who he/she believes is the murderer and the murderer killed the detective.
Shayla · F
@MkKoolKid the murderer kills the victim and the detective kills the murderer?
MkKoolKid · F
@Shayla colder
MkKoolKid · F
@MkKoolKid Actually, warmer.
MkKoolKid · F
Ok, the answer is- The murderer tricked the detective into killing the victim, and then killed the detective.
Shayla · F
@MkKoolKid That the detective killed the innocent person and the murderer killed the detective, yes
Shayla · F
@MkKoolKid That was my second guess
MkKoolKid · F
@Shayla Whatever. I'm not arguing about this.
The victim is the detective.
@MkKoolKid In the way that it is written, he can.
MkKoolKid · F
@EugenieLaBorgia Not the answer though
@MkKoolKid Mmm..
MkKoolKid · F
I'll give the answer once this goes 10 mins without a reply. Comment replies do count
Shayla · F
@MkKoolKid Okay, what is it?

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