Grateful4you · M
Compared to me, you're a young chick. Do a self- inventory of interest then see if that might translate well into some social setting, volunteering is great because the men have empathy and tend to be rather selfless. Ironically, seems like the moment you forget about wanting/needing a relationship it seems to fall from the sky. Of course a cat works great. (It does for me)
Sarabee · 41-45
@Grateful4you i'm just been trying to be happy no matter what i do volunteer but my mobility is limited and i know that means im destined to be alone ,or with an ex con for the rest of my life ,so i think i'd rather be safe than miserable you know and cats are selfsufficient you dont have to walk them just feed and change the litter box and let them go 🙃
🙂I'm a nationally certified literacy tutor. We might just hit it off even though I'm a bit provacative at times.💞