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Gabriel02 · 18-21, M
Maybe I'm too naive but in my opinionn, if it's true love then nothing can ruin it.

Anything can, if there are misunderstandings
Hvað ertu að tala um?
ThePerfectUsername · 70-79, M
Exactly :-) @DarkHeaven
ThePerfectUsername · 70-79, M
Thank you. 🌸 @DarkHeaven
Why would you be dating someone if you can't speak the same language?
@GreenGoddess exactly
cycleman · 61-69, M
can't imagine much of a relationship without being close to each other.
@cycleman a lot of people can't. It's not easy, but it depends on the two people involved. It is possible to form a deeper connection. I think language barriers would be difficult to overcome, however.
Yes of course
It depends
Language barriers can be a problem in ANY kind of relationship.
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