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Tell me about your exciting life?

I'm bored and not feeling great today. I want to live through someone else's experiences. Can you cheer me up and tell me about your exciting life??
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StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
I played some pickup basketball this morning and twisted my knee. I iced it and wrapped it and I’m able to get around without crutches. Had I needed crutches, the excitement of that story may have been too much to handle.
Jadeismyname · 26-30, F
@StevetheSleeve wow you must play some hardcore basketball!
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
@Jadeismyname Being competitive can be painful. Lol.
Aidan · 26-30, F
25 this year before now my life was pretty straight forward school and home life. Pretty sheltered quiet home life with not a lot of freedom. Living alone now things are very different not too crazy just more. Not sure what I’m doing but now is my time to figure that out.
Jadeismyname · 26-30, F
@Aidan must be exciting like discovering the world on your own
Well i baked meatloaf yesterday or the night before and today my hub tells me "well you wouldn't win a meatloaf competition, that's for sure"
Jadeismyname · 26-30, F
@SStarfish omg 😂😂 I would have kicked him in the nuts 😂
@Jadeismyname i thought it was funny 😄
Ryanoliver2011 · 31-35, M
I have a VERY interesting past but I won’t talk about that unless I’ve known you for quite awhile but trust me it is extremely interesting haha
@Ryanoliver2011 Naughty boy did some naughty thing I take it? Sped your car as a teen, snuck out, etc
Ryanoliver2011 · 31-35, M
@SW-User all of the above and then some lol. You have no idea haha
goagainsttheflow · 31-35, F
I meet my friend for pilates and meditationon Mondays and Tuesdays. Thursdays, we meet for yoga. I also like to spend my mornings birdwatching. Just observing the way birds interact with each other, hunt, and behave is a relaxing way to start the day. Then I usually try out a new recipe for breakfast or lunch. Brownies, cookies, bread, onigiri 🍙, cheese omelets (I'm starting with small recipes before I do difficult ones). It seems that baking and cooking are a lot more fun than I thought!

Then I usually work and go to sleep right after!
HowtoDestroyAngels · 46-50, M
My life isn't exciting. Thank God it's not full of drama anymore.
Jadeismyname · 26-30, F
@HowtoDestroyAngels drama is ok as long as it's someone else's lol
Mine was lonely for most of it so not very exciting
GodEmperorTrump · 31-35, M
iv lived for a lot of the wrong things always fighting being a knucklehead but i'm trunin that around. we can pm for more personal detail
walabby · M
I live DownUnda and have lots of fun avoiding poisonous snakes and spiders and crocodiles, and getting jumped on by cranky kangaroos... XD ;)
jaymic64 · M
Not exciting. My life sucks and you don’t want to hear that.

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