National call in sick to work day
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CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@SW-User My band has already done "Stay the Fuck Away From Me" so I need to contribute my own relatable song. Thank you for the inspiration. :D I will report back when I have something in like a couple months lol

Nice glad I could lend some inspiration :)
bijouxbroussard · F
@CountScrofula “Malingerer’s Lament” ! I love it. 😂
ImKelsey · 26-30, F
Moon Day: to celebrate man on the moon.

National no rules and laws day. I would use it as an opportunity to tie up some loose ends and settle some debts.

@wetncthru Pretty much.
DabbedOnTheHater · 26-30, M
@SW-User I wonder how people would tie up loose ends before you could.

@DabbedOnTheHater I doubt anyone would come after me. All of my enemies are giant vaginas that hide behind the rule of law. They know I would murder them if I thought I could get away with it.
DabbedOnTheHater · 26-30, M
International Internationalism Day of Nationalism
wetncthru · F
National Hangover Day.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Customer is always wrong day.
A day when retail staff can be as rude as they want - or hell. Anyone who works for a living can just act like a normal person and tell their boss or a rude customer to fuck off.
A day when retail staff can be as rude as they want - or hell. Anyone who works for a living can just act like a normal person and tell their boss or a rude customer to fuck off.
Peaceful · F
@CountScrofula BA! 🤣
HannahSky · F
Wrong question. Which ones do you want to eliminate? Is the question.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
International phone up and screw the consequences day.
One day in the year where you could stop 'wondering' how people are and could just call them and find out.
One day in the year where you could stop 'wondering' how people are and could just call them and find out.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Nude female day