Even if they were on the same track, we couldn't answer without knowing the timezone of City B and City A, the distance between the cities, and at what point they cross into any timezones between the two cities.
TamarindCorncob · 46-50, F
@jomsim I ran out of room to compose the question. :(
jomsim · 26-30, M
@TamarindCorncob Aww, I'm sorry. :(
TamarindCorncob · 46-50, F
@jomsim That is ok. There are always other questions :D
when they reach the crash site.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
2029 due to the curvature of the moon
firefall · 61-69, M
(a) never, they're on different tracks
(b) Certainly not
(b) Certainly not
Mamapolo2016 · F
Just after the stop where I board one of the trains.
Funtoy4u · 61-69, M
Assuming they are both on the same track, in the same time zone and headed towards each other and that City A and City B are X miles apart and that X is at least 66.7 miles apart: They will collide at time T were X = the distance between the cities and T = (X- 66.7M)/440 MH)
SomeMichGuy · M
Tesla would have an opinion only if they were electromagnetic trains.
At 200 or 220 mph, I think they are mag-levs, so YES, he cares.
At 200 or 220 mph, I think they are mag-levs, so YES, he cares.
jeancolby · 31-35, F
Using lines of longitude its easy to work out the distance of 20 minutes. Clue....1 degree=15 mins.
xixgun · M
When the two trains physically impact one another.