Unless you are in total isolation, you can give to the people around you all the time - those you live with, those you work with. It costs nothing to help someone or encourage them for example.
When you've had a full career and done big things in the world, in the end probably what counts more is whether you did the small contributions to those close to you. Because, in the end, that's who you really are.
When you've had a full career and done big things in the world, in the end probably what counts more is whether you did the small contributions to those close to you. Because, in the end, that's who you really are.
Mamapolo2016 · F
I stumbled over this on a site called DumbLittleMan.
What can you give when you have nothing?
“Give A Smile
Give a smile and give it to every single person that you meet, and you will receive smiles in return.
Give Out Good Thoughts
Give out good thoughts about others, and even about what you find yourself doing, and you will live a good life, and good thoughts will be thought about you.
Give A Kind Word
Give a kind word to others and your kindness will be returned with kindness. Mankind was created to be kind.
Give A Cheerful Disposition
Give a cheerful disposition and your cheerfulness will be cheered and not jeered.
Give Appreciation
Give appreciation and your life will appreciate (be added to in value), and in turn you will be greatly appreciated.
Give Encouragement
Give encouragement and you will be imbued with fresh courage to face each day, and be prepared to attract encouragers to you.
Give Honor
Give honor where honor is due, for this is the honorable thing to do, and be prepared for fresh applause.
Give Happiness
Give happiness and you will be unable to avoid the happy feeling that accompanies it, and brings happiness to you as well.
Give Of Your Time
Give of your time to a greater cause than yourself, and it will cause you to be rewarded in ways that you can only start to imagine.
Give Hope
Give hope and watch hopelessness disappear, faith rise, and joy abound.
Give Prayer
Give prayer for your friends and for those who may be perceived as enemies. There is so much anger in the air in our world, and these prayers will go a long way to bringing the miraculous into play amidst the madness.
What can you give when you have nothing?
“Give A Smile
Give a smile and give it to every single person that you meet, and you will receive smiles in return.
Give Out Good Thoughts
Give out good thoughts about others, and even about what you find yourself doing, and you will live a good life, and good thoughts will be thought about you.
Give A Kind Word
Give a kind word to others and your kindness will be returned with kindness. Mankind was created to be kind.
Give A Cheerful Disposition
Give a cheerful disposition and your cheerfulness will be cheered and not jeered.
Give Appreciation
Give appreciation and your life will appreciate (be added to in value), and in turn you will be greatly appreciated.
Give Encouragement
Give encouragement and you will be imbued with fresh courage to face each day, and be prepared to attract encouragers to you.
Give Honor
Give honor where honor is due, for this is the honorable thing to do, and be prepared for fresh applause.
Give Happiness
Give happiness and you will be unable to avoid the happy feeling that accompanies it, and brings happiness to you as well.
Give Of Your Time
Give of your time to a greater cause than yourself, and it will cause you to be rewarded in ways that you can only start to imagine.
Give Hope
Give hope and watch hopelessness disappear, faith rise, and joy abound.
Give Prayer
Give prayer for your friends and for those who may be perceived as enemies. There is so much anger in the air in our world, and these prayers will go a long way to bringing the miraculous into play amidst the madness.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
I love this.
Thanks for posting it.
My aging circle of friends and family seems overpopulated with negative attitudes in need of purpose.
Thanks for posting it.
My aging circle of friends and family seems overpopulated with negative attitudes in need of purpose.
Mamapolo2016 · F
@Heartlander I know! One friend of mine seems to have expected to be carried around in a sedan chair while grateful minions threw flowers...
Selah ·
I'll give you purpose. Come repaint my walls an clean the grout in my apt.
codedlyoko · 22-25, M
@Selah Eh, nah that grout's probably serving more purpose than I am XD Wouldn't want to cause it any trouble.that does sound like a nasty problem, though. Good luck with that.
Effloresce · 26-30, F
That’s how I always feel

I have felt that way
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
More frequently when I was younger but I feel I've got a lot to offer now.
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CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@codedlyoko Yeah not for everyone but I started to just discover I as actually good at shit and eventually it became too obvious for me to deny or ignore. Just basic work shit but being good at a job was novel to me at the time lol
codedlyoko · 22-25, M
Haha, that feeling can be pretty rewarding in and of itself
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@codedlyoko Yeah. Building self-confidence comes from just doing shit and improving at it - and importantly being recognized for that improvement in some way so you know its real.