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Can’t wait until Trump History.

Proud liberal here, sick of this disaster admin. I think we got a good shot at winning in 2020. Not crazy about a few of them.
Trump will do another 4 years. Some of us were just as sick of Obama but that’s how the ball bounces..
Budwick · 70-79, M
Obama wasn’t perfect but he never had a chance to shine.

Obama had 8 wasted years.
He had a remarkable opportunity and blew it.
One of the worst presidents - ever.
@Budwick Exactly!!! He brought us low as a nation.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@SW-User Give 'em hell Lucy!
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ChadFord · 31-35, M
JT123 · M
That sorry bunch couldn't win class president in pre school LOL
@JT123 Not even cheating... 🙂
Budwick · 70-79, M
I think Trump is doing a terrific job.
I'm looking forward to him winning reelection in what I think may a true landslide victory.

The candidates the dems have are a sorry lot.
@Budwick yes sir! Trump 2020 🇺🇸
And... you’re wrong I’m not affiliated as a righty or republican.. I vote for the man and the good of the country!
I hope you're right ,I think many of us are sick to the back teeth with trump ..I'm not thrilled with Biden but I do like Harris and to be honest I will support whomever runs against trump at this point ...he needs to go
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@Waymore let's see here ...annnnd....block
NiftyWhite · 46-50, F
i’m not even american but if he wins again, i’m turning off my TV for the next 4 years cause i can’t stand that foul mouthed, pompous man-child. I don’t even like TV much anyway, but he’s a damn trainwreck.
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
Who would be your pick?
ChadFord · 31-35, M
Beto or Biden. @GunSmoke9
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@ChadFord Biden doesn't even knows what he stands for. Beto believes in open borders, like all the democrat candidates.

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