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If only you had said, “Wow never realized how racist some people are.”

But now that you take part in the division you are the problem.

Good job
Think back 700 years before the rise of nazism. A history book will do you some
Good @Pfuzylogic
Pfuzylogic · M
You are proud to be part of the racist Aryan group. You are far from unbiased here.
@Pfuzylogic the Viking age rose around 739. You’re thinking 1933.

Educate yourself

Probably thinking Hindus are Nazis too😂😂😂

Orca4950 · 70-79, M
I received the following by email the other day

The Racist - Me ?

Unfortunately this is very true.


The term “Racist” Is an important tool in the Marxist tool bag.....A very effective one it seems.
"This is an interesting and different point of view from Britain. Food for thought.
Does make you stop and think. When does political correctness go too far?"

Racist - me?
A thought provoking passage written by an
ENGLISHMAN about the current situation in HIS homeland - this is thought provoking and is equally relevant in other countries.

I have been wondering about why whites are racists, and no other race is?

There are British Africans, British Chinese, British Asian, British Turks, etc., etc., etc.

And then there are just British. You know what I mean, plain ole English people that were born here. You can include the Welsh, the Scottish and the people who live off our shores of Great Britain on tiny islands. Yes, we are all true Brits.

The others that live here call me 'White boy,' 'Cracker,' 'Honkey,' 'Whitey,' 'Caveman' 'White trash' and that's OK...

But if I call you, Nigger, Spade, Towel head, Paki, Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook or Chink, you call me a racist.

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you. So why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?

You have the Muslim Council of Great Britain.

You have Black History Month.

You have swimming pools for Asian women.

You have Islamic banks for Muslims only.

You have year of the dragon day for Chinese people.

If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists.

If we had White History Month, we'd be racists.

If we had any organization for only whites to 'advance' OUR lives, we'd be racists.

A white woman could not be in the Miss Black Britain or Miss Asia, but any colour can be in the Miss UK.

If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships, you know we'd be racists.

There are over 200 openly proclaimed Muslim only schools in England. Yet if there were 'White schools only', that would be racist!

In the Bradford riots and Toxteth riots, you believed that you were standing-up for your race and rights. If we stood-up for our race and rights, you would call us racists.

You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.

We fly our flag, we are racists. If we celebrate St George's day we are racists.

You can fly your flag and it’s called diversity. You celebrate your cultures and it’s called multiculturalism.

You rob us, carjack us, and rape our daughters. But, when a white police officer arrests a black gang member or beats up an Asian drug dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist.

I am proud.... but you call me a racist.

Why is it that only whites can be racists??

There is nothing improper about this e-mail. Let's see which of you are proud enough to send it on.

I sadly don't think many will. That's why we have LOST most of OUR RIGHTS in this country. We won't stand up for ourselves!

BEING PROUD TO BE WHITE! It's not a crime, YET... but it’s getting very close!

It has been estimated that ONLY 55% of those reaching this point in this e-mail, will pass it on.
Orca4950 · 70-79, M
These are world wide issues
Stefan136 · 26-30, M
@Pfuzylogic All I'm saying is that racism shouldn't be done to neither side. But the fact is that those who have felt oppressed by one race tend to attack the other to get compensation because they think the other race just gets away too easy.

Edit: doesn't matter that I'm not from USA. We have this problem in my country as well. The Turkish demoralize us continuously because of the religion and lifestyle.
Pfuzylogic · M
In the US the people of color were owned as slaves or indentured as servants. That ended in 1965 for the US.
In the 70s, bigots were made fun of by “All in the Family” and everyone could look at racism and laugh at it. No one claimed the ignorant attitudes that previous whites had. It is not time to reclaim this under donnie. He is not a leader for anyone.
Ridiculous, isn't it? And, racism is hardly exclusive to white people.

It's been known and talked about for so long by all the sages, gurus, spiritual luminaries, that we're spiritual beings having human experiences, not the other way around - that these bodies in which our spirits reside are nothing more than biological space suits.

Racism says, I'm better than you are because my space suit is a different color than yours. What could be more absurd?
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@PhoenixPhail Well, people have been searching for the soul for a great many years, and not once have we found a glimmer. We can look down way beyond the cellular level, and still there is nothing. The closest we have ever been to the infinite is when we were stardust.

It's purely intellectual. This is all there is, whether I have feelings about it one way or the other is honestly completely immaterial, facts and reality don't care about feelings. They just ARE.

I personally put 'spirituality' in the same box as religion, Reiki, crystal healing, Prana, clairvoyance, ghosts, goblins, and things that go bump in the night. Just fantasy, and pretty harmless until people actually start believing in them.
@Quizzical Okay. Being so committed to your beliefs on the subject, I don't think it likely you would care to see what I would consider to be evidence. But if you ever get a wild hair, you might take a look at this. And believe me, I am in no way proselytizing or trying to convince you of anything. That's the Fundamentalist Christian's game (among other's), and I hate it.

@PhoenixPhail ......and yet India is the most racist nation on earth, so I guess gurus, bodhisatvas, and swami's etc don't change much. Gandhi was extremely racist towards "wogs". He considered them vastly inferior.
Miram · 31-35, F
Racism is all you do on here and talk about. 👀

Oh, looky who showed up. Feeling brave, little girl, with your male protector. LOL

You are a joke.
@sundaze what is your problem? You are attacking a well known, friendly user for no reason. Your profile screams fake, so stop acting like a butt hurt SWer and go back to your main account and behave.
Miram · 31-35, F
@sundaze You have to learn to express your feelings in more healthy way 🤷‍♀️ I am not interested in engaging in your games whoever you are.

Good luck.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Damn, I thought there was more blacks who are racist
@MarineBob That's about what I see and hear every day!
Wow! Where have you been? 💥 Did you know the most racist people on earth are actually in India and Jordan? The United States is actually one of the least "racist" countries on earth, so I guess that's kinda scary!
BlueVeins · 22-25
You didn't learn during World War 2?
jeancolby · 31-35, F
Well if you behave like a good black person which the vast majority are you will be treated in a great way. However if you behave like a nigger you will be treated that way. That black president also used the word nigger.
Pfuzylogic · M
Quit being racist in your responses.
It is considered harassment.
jeancolby · 31-35, F
@Pfuzylogic Fuck you, nothing I've said is racist.
Pfuzylogic · M
You obviously don’t have the ability to determine racist terms. All I am doing is forwarding it to admin. If you aren’t racist you have not a thing to worry about.
Quizzical · 46-50, M
Do you have an example?
@Quizzical I'm curious too
ThePerfectUsername · 70-79, M
Only white people are racist? Isn't that kinda… errr... racist?
Stefan136 · 26-30, M
Don't worry about it so much, just focus on those who will respect you for who you are. Most people will have some discriminatory factor anyhow, whether its race or religion or even something less impacting (such as how in social circles, people who don't follow trends get mocked).
You had a little epiphany did you?
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I've been surprised by that too. But Trump has enabled all the the fear and hate and anger in America and the racists are coming out.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
@hunkalove 😂
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@hunkalove Hmmm .... how can you ignore the hateful rhetoric streaming from the mouths of 80% of Democrats?

Orca4950 · 70-79, M
Currently there are shopping centers that are exclusively for certain ethnicities.

If you don't speak that language you won't be served or seated.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
as are some black people, and some yellow people, and some .....

But by and large, most people are just people.
from my experience, arrogant people are more likely to be racist
Yes some are really racist and it is upsetting
Posts like these always make me laugh. My city is roughly half white. This isn't 1920 where black people have to cross the street. People mostly go along to get along. Find something constructive to do instead of yelling at problems that just don't exist anymore.
DrSunnyTheSkeptic · 26-30, M
Racism goes both ways
xixgun · M
You should see how racist (incorrect term. Correct term: bigoted) some non white people are.
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Pfuzylogic · M
I flagged one recently and didn’t get a response. The posts are like weeds.
Hopefully the good will ones will out weigh the ignorant inbreeds 😉
wow never knew how racist a lot of ethnicities are.
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
They're scared of skin colour lol
midnightsun · 26-30, M
So cringe
tenente · 100+, M
who did what? 🤔

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