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LamontCranston · M
Very true. Many times i've offended someone here due to a misunderstanding of my words, which would not have happened if they heard and/or saw me say it.
This is especially so due to fact we tend to use as few words as possible in this medium because we have to type them out.
This is especially so due to fact we tend to use as few words as possible in this medium because we have to type them out.
TheQueenBree · 26-30, F
Definitely. Living by social media alone is the equivalent of someone a few hundred years ago communicating only by writing letters to everyone
HatandCloak · 31-35, M
Tone of voice I think is the most potent when assessing individual character. People can tell you what ever they want and tone of voice is the threshold (often overlooked) between truth and a lie.