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would you rather not experience self love, or love from another in your life?

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AmbivalentFriability · 26-30 Best Comment
The lack of either make me want to die.

But I'll go without the love of another. At least I'm always around and can't leave me.
yes girl. i am proud of your choice (: @AmbivalentFriability
@soulsrespite I'm just trying to be practical.
that’s the best way to be in my opinion. you truly learning to love yourself, you won’t ever need anyone else’s love. at least for me anyway. @AmbivalentFriability

alright, when you come here, I don’t want any knocking, bust down the door like the wild men of the past did. @SW-User
@soulsrespite like a wild man indeed. You want it, you get it.
i am waiting. @SW-User
Love from another, because without self love it's going to be a slow walk along the dark road of life
i agree with you, i rather love myself and not have anyone else’s love. @BeefySenpie
Why not both?
oh, i was asking which you’d rather not experience, having them both though, you will be truly fulfilled. @SW-User
@soulsrespite I think not loving self is like pressing self destruction botton. Tell me, I didn't scare you with my message. 😅
it is, i agree. no, i just took some time to think about what you said. @SW-User
Wishingwellguy · 46-50, M
Not sure right now , ask me again when I work it out and stop messing love up
lol, will do. @Wishingwellguy
Miram · 31-35, F
A healthy amount of the first is more important to me than the second. I wasn't loved growing up and it only affected me because it affects my self- perceptions.
i see, i hope that changes over time. sounds like you are already on the right track by your choice here. (: @Miram
lovingdead · 31-35, M
self love, i have functioned for a long time without it
lovingdead · 31-35, M
@soulsrespite not really, yet on a slightly bright side i think it keeps me from being egotistical...not a great system but as i said i function (maybe not well but function)
i see. well if it works for you now, i guess it’s all well, although i would like to see that change over time. but i don’t like shoving it down people’s throats. @lovingdead
lovingdead · 31-35, M
@soulsrespite I understand 100%, I strongly advise against it to others. Yet at the same time people need to come to it in their own way and time...though they can benifit from help
We came to this world preconditioned to receive love first from our mothers, it's the prerequisite for self love.
i like that. and our first instinct is to give love when we are young. @SoulKey
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i think it’s something learned and practiced. @energie
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you will get there. just do the things that make you happy. most of us have yet to get there anyway. @energie
goodguy007 · 41-45, M
Love from another.
Need self love more than that.
i concur @goodguy007
I want both like @SW-User said :)
i think you should have both (: @SW-User
Whats love?
okay, that’s a twisted form of love. @Reflection2
@soulsrespite I don't what others called it love or whatever. That's the bottom line reality i see. Nothing sustainable without any of those above.
i am sorry you have been reduced to see love this way. @Reflection2
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@soulsrespite so what do you think of LL Cool J & Would You Do Him
CrustyDDingus · 36-40, M
Love from a hot pocket. It tends to be either cold in the middle or it burns with it’s cheap ass pizza sauce.
you can always eat something else. @CrustyDDingus
CrustyDDingus · 36-40, M
@soulsrespite Well it wouldn’t be love now then would it?
if you want it to be. @CrustyDDingus

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