Aperson · M
Before election is the best time to spread rumour like Nutella on bread.
Ynotisay · M
Nah. As it gets closer the shit is going to really hit the fan and it will all be verifiable. This guy is, and I'm not being hyperbolic, a sociopath. The biggest con ever perpetrated during an American election is going to come crashing down hard. I'm still convinced he'll drop out. It's never been about him actually being President. And it kills me that WAY too many people don't see that.
banshee · 36-40, M
@Ynotisay: He's like the very typical school boy..who feels bullied and is bent to exact revenge...just a childish immaturity..How DARE they call me Names??...Now you see..I'll show who's great..I will become the PRESIDENT OF US of fucking A!
Aperson · M
Do check Hilary's crimes too. Xoxo
Chickie · F
I also read on the internet that his college is scam
banshee · 36-40, M
yeah...he has more used his crotch in youth than his brains
Goralski · 56-60, M
And what about bill raping all them women and last but not least being a child molester all while Hillary sweeps it under d rug
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Goralski · 56-60, M
@banshee: oh its never hurt an economy really. ..where did all them good manufacturing jobs disappear to again
Goralski · 56-60, M
@banshee: and by d way Mexico is going to b building a wall on its south border haaaaa
banshee · 36-40, M
@Goralski: @Goralski: you really want that badly to produce cheap products that can be easily exported... what's the use of being a developed nation then..?? Keep producing toys with hard labor till the end of 30th century.. better skilling and better technology is need of hour..and not WALLS for Christ's sake