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CereBellum Best Comment
Just think, most of it is with the same person. Wow!
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beckychandler · F
I kind of doubt it is really that high. But I think it sheds some truth on the establishment mantra of our over-sexualized society -- that everyone is having sex all the time and if they are not they are unhealthy and psychologically suppressed.
Magenta · F
@beckychandler 👍️ And the exaggerated over expression on social media doesn't help..
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
Well, I know very sure that I don´t belong to those circle of persons! 😅
firefall · 61-69, M
also, 100% of people lie about sex.
That comes out to an average of about 2 or 3 times per week if you start at 18 years of age (give or take). Sounds reasonable. Now if you include masturbation.....
Arorin · M
The average Gene Simmons have sex 50,000 times in their life.
Thingschange4444 · 56-60, M
I wonder how many litres that would be?
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@Thingschange4444 You know Im amazed that most women only have 3 children at best.
Mother Nature is so kind. 🤭
Mother Nature is so kind. 🤭
Thingschange4444 · 56-60, M
@Zonuss lol.
Chuck Norris calls that a slow Tuesday.
Tracos · 51-55, M
Pretty sure I'm putting serious pressure on that average
Barebum61 · 61-69, M
So I have about 1500 times to go
Elegy · 46-50
Humble brag 😏
🤔 I haven't had sex even once 😒
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SW-User Maybe you are like under age 25 or something. 🤔
@Zonuss 20
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SW-User I see. 🐣
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
That's only like 15 years of sex though
Barebum61 · 61-69, M
@Fungirlmmm you still have another 20 to go😄
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
@Barebum61 Hot dog
vorian · 51-55, M
Does on your own count?