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Why is it so hard to find genuine friends?

Because trustworthy people are hard to find.
lancetroy · 31-35, M
@SW-User what she said
YourBuddyRandall · 31-35, M
I think there's lots of reasons.

But people have a psychological tendency to hang with people in their orbit instead of actively looking for people they like.
RoyalBee · 31-35, F
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RoyalBee · 31-35, F
@Overwatch6 Yes unfortunate I wouldn't go as far in saying I was born in the wrong generation but, I wish I could find more old souls like me and not people who pretend to be old at heart
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Different people have different expectations for friendship.
RoyalBee · 31-35, F
@SW-User That's very true
PrivatePeeks · 26-30, F
I've been fortunate. I think being a good person attracts other good people. Start with self improvement. That's my advice.
RoyalBee · 31-35, F
@PrivatePeeks I understand although please don't be mistaken by my question as I mentioned to someone else who commented on my question this is from my younger self who never knew how to ask the question. I was bullied when I was young and had a hard time with finding who was genuine and not. This post was to simply see what someone else thought about finding genuine friends. I have found my life long friend in high school and we are now married. I just thought it would be nice to see how others perceived the art of finding genuine friends.
PrivatePeeks · 26-30, F
@RoyalBee I got engaged yesterday.
RoyalBee · 31-35, F
@PrivatePeeks That's wonderful. I pray for a happy marriage.
Keaten · 36-40, M
It is hard work. It has to be a job almost. It is very rewarding when you do find those true friends. That is why I am here.
Keaten · 36-40, M
@RoyalBee That's true. Real friendships are the most important to me. Those are the relationships that end being life long and fulfilling, I feel. Those friends become your family when your blood family isn't there and help get you through the hardships in life. It's worth it to find one and keep one.
RoyalBee · 31-35, F
@Keaten Yes they are important. I think its so nice that people can find friends like that in life.
Keaten · 36-40, M
@RoyalBee It really is. I can see you and I being real friends.🙂 Just know, I take friendship serious. lol!
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
Gotta seperate the wheat from the chaft, they just don't come along very often.
RoyalBee · 31-35, F
@Ryannnnnn I agree
Tminus6453 · M
I thought people your age never hung out together and just sat on their phones all day🤷‍♂️
RoyalBee · 31-35, F
@Tminus6453 Maybe that's why I cant find any because I'm always out in nature
OzDiver · 61-69, M
Some people are just not genuine and have their own agenda.
Anon066 · 31-35, M
I don't find it particularly hard
RoyalBee · 31-35, F
@Anon066 It seems to be easy for some people. I have always made friends but, not true friends. I have always been the second choice friend.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
Because most people aren't genuine.
Bagalamaga · 56-60, M
Because people are selfish
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
Most people are fake.
Braziliannut · 22-25, F
Because people are mean :(
U are looking the wrong place
I mean where ever you are looking, whether in real life on social media, where ever you are looking... It seems like the wrong place or maybe the wrong ppl.. @RoyalBee
RoyalBee · 31-35, F
@Deliiiiiiciiioooousbabe I have stopped looking honestly this post was merely an expression of how I use to feel when I was young. Although now I'm able to communicate those feelings I found that others have had the same problem
@RoyalBee okay gotcha
because we turned them into assholes
because we turn them into assholes
Pfuzylogic · M
It starts with genuine sauce!
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
Its not hard to find me.. 😇

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