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How do you feel about the animal cruelty bill making it a felony?

xixgun · M
While I think it's overdue, I find it curious that now harming an animal is a felony, but murdering a baby 2 days before term is legal and acceptable (to some).

And I'm pro-choice!
@Theliberal Ooooh......speaking of Satan's minions......... You should have heard the propaganda station this morning! Those guys who attacked that actor from "Empire" in Chicago........Now- they were Trump supporters yelling "MAGA" repeatedly. I guess I should have seen 'that' coming.
I'm telling you. There is no low too low for them.
Theliberal · 36-40, M
@puck61 yeah someone is full of shit. The attackee must have had a MAGA hat on which promped brain boil in the libs.
@Theliberal I doubt seriously if Jussie would wear a MAGA hat, but if you look at the "people of interest" in the photo, they sure don't look white to me! Critical evidence was on Jussie's phone, and he refused to surrender it. Interesting. Another Nathan Phillips incident?
VeronicaPrincess · 61-69
I think we worry too much about animals, and not enough about people.
@Randy777 I apologize for my mild taunting psychobabble. I grew up on a farm too. We were crazy mother earth news hippie people. Farms and communes and converted hippie campers blah blah blah....
Anyway, I think that you might be getting the wrong idea about what I consider animal cruelty. Also, like Misty, you might be considering the "can of worms" that could be opened by the misapplication of these potential new laws. I understand that. There is always a can of worms. I used to be a wrangler in Arkansas. I have no problem with ridin em hard, as long as you don't put em away wet! You know what I mean?
I understand that this law has the potential for misapplication.
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Jasondf · M
@VeronicaPrincess a voice of reason. Thank you


The problem with laws like this is that liberals are trying to impose their own perverted non-human centered sense of morality on the American people, in clear contravention of our Judeo Christian heritage, which endorses man's natural right of Dominion over lesser species.

To make matters worse, doing it on a federal level is plainly unconstitutional, as animals are given no rights in the Constitution, while religious rights to torture animals and especially, to cuddle and pray with poisonous reptiles should be sacrosanct.

Finally, this is a clear example of the expanding federal government impinging on the sovereignty of the States. Why should the feds be able to dictate what a man does with his chattel on his homestead, if he doesn't even cross state lines.

Stuff like this needs to be stopped, before they start taking the sheep from our bedrooms, asking them if they consented, and whether it was good or bad for them.
@Randy777 When I say, "colleges for criminals" I mean criminals opportunity to learn to be more effective criminals.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@puck61 colleges for criminals = University of Criminology
@nedkelly Political science majors.
I'm not sure it should be a federal crime, tbh. We have plenty of those already, and as much as I'd like to see less animal cruelty, I'd rather see federal law enforcement focus on other things.
Joker · 36-40, M
@MistyCee 🤗
@Randy777 I agree that it is excellently written, and contains an element of logic and insight, especially in the consideration of the potential "Pandoras Box" that could be opened by this legislation, but I still believe that people who starve their horses, or torture animals should do prison time. Buggering sheep is wrong because sheep cannot consent. I'm not talking about rotting in prison. Let the punishment fit the crime. 6 months to eight years, depending on the severity of the crime.
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I think it's great! Prison sentences and everything! It's long over-due.
TexChik · F
As long as killing a baby moments before it’s birth is legal I’m not too worried about animals
HughManatee · 61-69, M

TexChik · F
@Theliberal I love animals , but my priorities are just a bit different... I think human babies welfare is a bit more important
Theliberal · 36-40, M
@TexChik i agree 110% way more important.
akindheart · 61-69, F
it is already a felony down here. and i am glad. you would not believe the atrocities committed against helpless animals.
donjohn8888 · 61-69, M
Well I see there are people on this question that have already made there minds up, humans or animals well I pick animals we humans speak up for animals they don’t ask to be treated like crap, I feel the new law is great and should be more harsher on the sentencing, I rescue pit bull puppies been doing it for twenty years I own two that are dear to me.
Why did it take so long?
You can love both people and animals, its not a choice. and you can treat both with dignity and respect, thats not a choice either.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
It's probably a setup by liberals. Their end-targets are the poultry and beef industries.
Quizzical · 46-50, M
Great idea. I wish the UK would have stricter sentencing for animal cruelty.
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@Waymore @Randy777 Extremism. It's what people do. We often tend to see the worst case scenario in everything all the time, and we become 'reactionary' rather than responsive to everything we see and hear. It doesn't have to politics or religion. It can be anything that we can potentially feel strongly about. Not many of us are as bad as we seem to be to each other. A stupid person shouldn't rot in prison, and an animal lover is not an emotionally weak misanthrope.
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Syktur · 26-30, M
In 110% agreement with it
Magenta · F
I support it 100%!
Budwick · 70-79, M
I'm ok with it.
jackson55 · M
The same woman, Tran, that introduced the bill to abort minutes before birth, introduced a bill to save a caterpillar and moth in Virginia.
@jackson55 They can murder the child outside of the womb. They can kill their child after it has been born.
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@Randy777 Although I strongly disagree, I have to respect your willingness to to volunteer such an unpopular opinion in such a forthright and transparent way. I rant about the emotional weakness of western society quite a bit myself, but I am more enraged by people being cruel to animals than I am about people being cruel to each other! Animals and children have no way to protect themselves. At least adults have some way to defend themselves. For me, mistreating (cruelty) an animal is every bit the same as mistreating a child or a quadriplegic. I'm not talking about the idiot that kicks his dog. He just needs to be smacked upside the head . I'm talking about sick pathological cruelty. I ended a friendship last summer though, when my "friend" kicked his dog real hard.
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@Randy777 Great job! I would call this very cathartic for you! You should thank me! I'm not even charging you 80 bucks an hour!
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Take the bastard outside and shoot the fuckers or make them work in a animal rescue centre without pay Animal cruelty is disgusting
Theliberal · 36-40, M
@puck61 sick bastards. Ask @JaggedLittlePill what she thinks. She supports murder.
@Theliberal I am proud to say she blocked me long ago. God I hate these scum. I still can't believe they really exist. I keep thinking I am going to wake up in a cold sweat and this will all have been a horrible dream.
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